Anger as normally peaceful Glastonbury books bands who have sung ‘Kill Tory Scum’, staged an assassination of Theresa May and said Boris Johnson should be ‘strung up’

  • Killdren, a two-person punk rock bank, released Kill Tory Scum in 2018
  • They will be performing at Glastonbury Festival – from June 26 until June 30
  • Kill Tory Scum’s music video depicts the murder of Conservative voters 
  • Described as ‘completely abhorrent’ by Jo Cox Foundation chief executive 

A punk rock band who wrote a song called Kill Tory Scum before encouraging fans to wear t-shirts with the words emblazoned on the front have been booked to play at this year’s Glastonbury festival.

Killdren, a two-person band with songs titled Work Hard F***er, Empires all Crumble and Profits of Doom have been invited to perform at Glastonbury at the end of June. 

But Kill Tory Scum, a song they released in 2018, features a music video which shows the band acting out chainsawing a Tory voter to death. 

Killdren, a two-person band with songs titled Work Hard F***er, Empires all Crumble and Profits of Doom have been invited to perform at Glastonbury at the end of June

It also depicts Theresa May being assassinated.

And a post on their Facebook page, that has since been removed, showed an image of Somerset MP Jacob Rees Mogg and his children alongside a caption that called for them to be killed.

The band describe themselves as ‘sitting uneasily between straight-up nihilism and fresh-faced naivety’. 

They told the Times people were criticising their stance saying ‘leave the kids alone’. They added: ‘Erm ok, what about the f****** kids relying on food banks for dinner over summer holidays? Or being bombed in Yemen by British-made bombs?’ 

Killdren was founded in 2017 by Efa Thomas, 27, a Welsh musician and political activist , and Nick Ronin, 40, a north London DJ. 

The band said yesterday that the comments about Rees-Mogg’s children had been posted to Facebook by someone else and had been deleted. 

Punk rock band Fat White Family, from Peckham, southeast London, who said Conservative voters have ‘blood on their hands’ and ‘execute the f****** lot of them’ will also be playing

It said that its work was ‘cartoonish and over the top’, ‘consciously crude’ and ‘a counterpoint to the circus of UK politics’.

But Catherine Anderson, chief executive of the Jo Cox Foundation, said their language was ‘completely abhorrent’ and ‘wrong’.

Jo Cox, a Labour MP, was murdered by a political extremist during the Brexit referendum campaign three years ago.

Ms Anderson added: ‘The direct incitement of violence and abuse, on any platform and in any sector, is wrong and something that we absolutely reject. 

A post on their Facebook page, that has since been removed, showed an image of Somerset MP Jacob Rees Mogg and his children alongside a caption that called for them to be killed

‘We’re seeing a legitimising and normalising of harmful words and actions, and this is leading to a decay in our shared language and ultimately our values, and that concerns us very much. 

‘We cannot but think of what happened to Jo, after whose murder we believed things would improve; instead, things have got a lot worse. 

‘All of us need to call out this kind of language, until we return to a more civil way of being able to debate difference of opinions – without having to resort to threats and intimidation.’

Acts booked for Glastonbury, from Wednesday, June 26 to Sunday, June 30, include Kylie Minogue and Janet Jackson.

Fat White Family are known for outrageous on-stage behaviour which has included stripping off naked, smearing themselves in faeces and throwing a pig’s head in to the crowd

Punk rock band Fat White Family, from Peckham, southeast London, who said Conservative voters have ‘blood on their hands’ and ‘execute the f****** lot of them’ will also be playing.

They are known for outrageous on-stage behaviour which has included stripping off naked, smearing themselves in faeces and throwing a pig’s head in to the crowd. 

And after Lord Lloyd-Webber voted in favour of the Government’s plan to reduce tax credits, the band tweeted: ‘May he become terminally ill as soon as possible.’

The bookings caused a media storm as shocked Twitter users took to the site to express their concern. 

Paul Kustow said: ‘What is this world coming to when ‘bands’ like Killdren and Fat White Scum are given a platform at Glastonbury for their violent, hate-filled, hard-left political views?’ 

Glastonbury Festival have been approached for comment.   

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