CRYSTAL PALACE fans paraded "END VAR NOW" banners – then chanted for the same video-replay system to get Arsenal scorer Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang his red-card for a studs-in tackle.

Supporters went from hating to hailing the new technology after anti-VAR flags initially dominated the view behind one Selhurst Park goal before a 1-1 draw kept Palace a point above the tenth-placed Gunners.

Home fans demanded VAR after striker Aubameyang was at first only booked for a dangerous lunge on home midfielder Max Meyer.

Referee Paul Tierney then watched replays and upgraded Aubameyang's yellow card to red.

But Palace supporters were teased on social media for their apparent U-turn.


One tweet claimed: "Less than 90 minutes between Palace fans unveiling an anti-VAR banner and literally chanting for the use of VAR. Life comes at you fast."

Most comments on Twitter, though, seemed to be more traditional criticisms of VAR.

One post slated the lengthy delay from the incident to the VAR verdict for an "immediately obvious" red card.

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