Wondering whether your short term relationship is running slow or well ahead of schedule? This new study might have all the answers you need.

A new relationship can conjure up all sorts of feelings and emotions in a person. Excitement, fear, anticipation, happiness. There’s a lot to be excited about, but also a lot to be wary of. Chances are many of us will hide elements of our real selves during those first few months, and it may take even longer to be entirely comfortable with the person who might one day become your significant other.

There will be all sorts of milestones couples will hit during that first year or so. Not major ones or even significant ones, at least not on the surface. Most will pass you by without even noticing. Things like using the toilet for you-know-what at their house, and having the confidence to help yourself to the food on their plate.

From Mars recently surveyed 2000 people to determine the average length of time before couples reach these milestones, and also the time difference between men and women. The sharing food example hinted at before, for instance. Men need to be in a relationship for an average of four months before they’re comfortable sharing food with a new partner. Women, on the other hand, take an average of five months to reach that point.

As for farting in front of your SO, men take a full eight months to reach that level of comfortability whereas women aren’t at that point until the nine-month mark. Honestly, we thought the gap between those two would be longer. Perhaps the most shocking stat of all is when people are comfortable talking about periods. Men are fine with having that discussion six months in, but women aren’t okay with it until month number seven.

Although we said these numbers can be used to determine whether your relationship is on track or not, in reality, they should not be taken too seriously. All relationships move at different speeds. Some people will fart in front of each other on a first date, probably by accident, while others might hold them in for years. These numbers are the averages of 2000 people, so the specific numbers attached to each will come from an extensive range.

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