March 21 to April 20

With Venus powerfully placed in your chart, plans you and a partner had put on hold could click into winning action.

If you are single, that seemingly smooth operator can be sincere and romantic when it is just the two of you.

Numbers planet Mercury helps you be smart with cash calculations.



April 21 to May 21

New people and extra responsibilities, at work or in a community project, sound serious but will be very rewarding, adding fun and a dash of glamour to your world.

Venus, the planet that rules your sign, focuses on truth and only genuine love can win and keep your heart.

Luck has a “T” name.


May 22 to June 21

You have your own way of looking at the world and photos you take or sketches you draw have special meaning to everyone who sees them. They could be money-makers.

If you are single, the dating game is fun but there is also the chance of lasting love.

A long-established relationship feels new after date night.


June 22 to July 22

Mars’ strength in your partnership chart means you can be in love without worrying about its future.

It is time to pick up that half-finished project and complete it because it is starred to be a winner.

There are opportunities with a sporting connection that could mean a lot to the whole family.


July 23 to August 23

At work, or in a job hunt, you come across as serious, strong and smart. You could make exciting progress.

But when it comes to love, a potential partner who can always make you laugh could have the most to offer.

Luck focuses on a house that has unusual, painted windows.


August 24 to September 22

Your mood is calm and businesslike even when the action heats up and this impresses everyone at work.

Later, you are asked a love question and this time you know straight away what the answer should be.

Single? A newcomer who looks like a reality TV star could understand and cherish you.


September 23 to October 23

The sun focuses on all things financial and you have choices to make between earning more via work you find easy and taking on a much tougher job that would make you proud of what you do.

Love may have a financial link because if you are single you could meet someone secretly wealthy.

Luck links to Canada.


October 24 to November 22

Mars, Mercury and the sun are all in your sign and could make this an amazing day when you have brilliant ideas and the willpower to turn them into action.

Love can be as full-on and committed as you want.

You even have the time and strategy to make a dream come true for someone you care about.


November 23 to December 21

Building a relationship that lasts is a challenge you are ready for.

This can mean a fresh start for an intriguing bond you believe has more to give.

At work, you sense what goes on behind closed doors and know which ideas to share. Your luckiest location is a cafe where your favourite music plays.


December 22 to January 20

Venus is settling into your sign and someone who was not ready for commitment the last time you dated now could be.

But if you are still waiting for your first look at a fate mate, check out a Taurus who is such a talented chef. In time you could work together too.

A raffle ticket chosen by the family is lucky.


January 21 to February 18

You might be amazed when someone speaks glowingly about you at work.

But it is more important for you to talk confidently about all the things you do well.

If you are single, the first name that comes to mind as a possible soulmate is a total surprise.

There could be a genuine singing talent in the family.


February 19 to March 20

Hearts and minds take a faster ride on the highway to love and this can be a day full of passion.

There could be speedy and daring changes of location but you feel at home wherever you are – and new faces take to you.

So this is an excellent time to start a new job or even a whole new lifestyle.

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