Alex Trebek has been amazingly positive and strong throughout his battle with cancer.

Back in March, the longtime Jeopardy! host opened up to fans, revealing he had been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer, pledging to “beat the low survival rate statistics” with aggressive treatment.

Trebek has continued working throughout his treatment, giving periodic updates about his health with nothing but grace and good humor. Truly inspiring.

Video: Alex Trebek Fights Back Tears Over ‘Jeopardy!’ Contestant’s Touching Final Response

But how is it affecting those closest to him? How is his wife coping through all this?

We basically never hear from Jean Trebek, but in a rare new interview with SurvivorNet, she gives a bit of insight into what it’s like dealing living in such a precarious situation.

The most important thing she can do? Stay positive herself — kind of like how they tell you on airplanes to put the oxygen mask on yourself before trying to help loved ones with theirs.

How is she staying “buoyed”? Through her work:

“It comes from a place of love, because I want to uplift him… and when I keep my own self buoyed and enjoying my life, I can actually share that with him. He can look at me and have a sense of ‘life is beautiful; my wife is doing something good.’”

What is that “something good”? Jean Trebek is a licensed practitioner of Religious Science.

At the North Hollywood Church of Religious Science, the 54-year-old uses sound healing, meditation, and reiki (a Japanese technique in which universal energy is transferred through the hands of the practitioner to encourage physical and even emotional healing) to help those in need.

Jean has been practicing sound healing for ten years. She uses her voice and crystal bowls to promote healing in clients. She explains:

“The human voice has so much power and healing… It’s like how, when a mother sings a lullaby to her baby, it’s the intention in her voice that is calming the baby. She’s singing the words of love and beauty to this little baby, and the baby feels that in the vibration of her voice.”

Celebs like Robert Downey Jr. and Charlize Theron are fans of sound healing, and it’s only getting more mainstream.

With someone with such a soothing voice in his corner, no wonder Alex is doing so well!

When asked for advice for others going through a tough time, like a loved one with serious health problems for instance, she responds:

“Just ask the universe, ‘What’s the next step for me?’ The universe will always respond. I am absolutely sure that we live in a benevolent universe that is always conspiring for our highest and greatest good.”

We hope so. What do YOU think of Jean’s outlook??

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