DONALD Trump has claimed that the Democrats 'took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance'.

The President seemingly aimed the since disproven claim at Evangelical Christian voters.

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Trump wrote: "The Democrats took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democrat National Convention.

"At first I thought they made a mistake, but it wasn’t. It was done on purpose.

"Remember Evangelical Christians, and ALL, this is where they are coming from-it’s done. Vote Nov 3!"

The claim is untrue as many, including Politifact and AP factcheckers, have pointed out.

Many among Trump's religious voter core have been sceptical of his religious credentials since his controversial bible photo op in May.

The rumor is believed to be related to a claim made in a now-deleted August 20 Facebook post by failed Illinois Republican senate candidate Peggy Hubbard.

The central programming of the DNC featured the entire pledge, complete with “under God.” every time it was recited.

The final night of the DNC was opened by Cedric Richmond Jr., the son of Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana, who recited it flawlessly on August 20 and arguably stole the spotlight.

On the first night of the DNC, Joe Biden's grandchildren said the pledge, followed by the convention's chorus of "The Star Spangled Banner.”

On the second night, it was stated by a diverse group of Americans; same with the third night.

“Under God” was in each rendering according to multiple fact checkers.

The convention also devoted a segment to showcasing Biden’s religious faith.

However, AP reports that during two caucuses before the evening conventions started, the Muslim Delegates and Allies Assembly and the LGBTQ Caucus meeting, both Tuesday, left out “under God,” from the pledge.

The party's series of caucus meetings was livestreamed but was not part of the prime-time convention broadcast.

The phrase "under God" has existed in the pledge since 1954 when it was signed into law by congress underPresident Eisenhower, however was not in the original 1892 version despite being written by a Baptist minister.

The first amendment of the constitution also separates church and state.

Twitter is yet to flag Trump's tweet.

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