This is going to be your first time in the escape room. You’re excited but have no idea what’s waiting for you there.

Take it easy and keep reading. Follow this guide and get 100% ready for the most exciting adventure in Escape Hour.

1. Find out what an escape room is. There many articles and blogs on internet on escape rooms, tips and tricks on how to beat the room, etc. Check out Escape Hour blog, they write a lot about it.

2. Look up for videos on Youtube. There are actual videos from the escape rooms. You’ll see how players interact, what they pay attention to, what the room looks like inside. This will only give you slight image of the escape room though. Don’t expect your room to be exactly the same.

3. Warm up your brain. Play a board game, Charades, Pictionary, brain teasers, watch all parts of Indiana Jones and The Da Vinci Code, collect a puzzle, read a detective novel. This is better to be done consequently prior going to the escape room, not a day before.

4. Get the right team. Team makes 90% of success in the escape room game.  It’s also crucial whether or not they can work as one. Better if these are people who know each other and they are comfortable with each other. Make sure there are people with various skill sets and interests. Meet and talk before the game. Get to know what each player is good at and consider how it can be used in the room.

5. Choose thoroughly the escape room in your area. A proper escape room center is supposed to have a website with an overview of their rooms, their contacts and feedbacks from their clients. Those feedbacks are the most important. Escape hour is the best choice in Calgary and Edmonton. Check out their feedbacks on TripAdvisor.

6. Once you’ve chosen the room, make sure you have just enough people for the room. Usually rooms announce the optimal number of players. Too many people will crowd the room, won’t be convenient. Very few people will take longer time to solve the room and won’t be as efficient.

7. Escape room games require a lot of physical activity. Put on some comfortable clothes you don’t mind getting dirty or broken. Choose a pair of trainers over flipflops and heels.

8. Eat well before the game. This mental exercise requires a lot of energy. If you’re hungry, you’ll soon feel weak and easily irritated.

9. Don’t be late for the game. Better arrive earlier to avoid stress and not to get your teammates mad at you.

10. Listen attentively the instructions of your game master before the game and follow them with no ifs and buts.

That’s it. You’re good to go. Put on your Sherlock hat and set off.