A 19-YEAR-OLD teen has been left fighting for his life after he was stabbed in a knife fight in West London.

Police rushed to the scene after reports of a brawl in Hounslow just after 7pm on Tuesday, with the teen critically injured.

He took himself to hospital with stab wounds after the fight broke out on Kingsley Road.

Since the attack, police have arrested a man aged in his early 20s on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

He has been taken to a West London police station where he remains in custody.

A crime scene is in place and Kingsley Road is closed between Myrtle road and London Road.


It comes as London's knife crime has continued to spiral out of control.

There have already been a number of fatal stabbings in the capital after the death toll reached 149 in 2019.

Knife crime has also rocketed across Britain, with 40 blade offences every day in the worst hit areas.

A probe has found many regions of the UK have seen the number of gruesome incidents rise by more than 100 per cent over the past decade.

A Sun Online investigation can reveal London remains by far the worst city in the country for knife-related crime.

In the last 12 months to September 2019, there were 15,080 incidents in the capital – nearly two an hour.

The West Midlands, West Yorkshire and the Thames Valley area are the next worst hit places in the UK – with the former seeing 5,280 offences over the past 12 months.

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