A YOUNG BOY has died after being hit by a bus in a busy Glasgow street.

The tragic incident happened on Calder Street, near the junction with Hickman Street, in the Govanhill area of the city yesterday.

Emergency crews raced to the scene after the alarm was raised around 5.40pm.

Two children were rushed to hospital after they were knocked down by a single deck bus.

A boy, aged five, was treated at the scene by paramedics but he was pronounced dead shortly afterwards.

A girl, aged nine, was taken to the Royal Hospital for Children where her condition is described as serious but stable.

The street was closed and re-opened around 11.55pm.

Sergeant Nicolas Twigg said: “Our thoughts are with the family of the boy who died and they have asked for privacy at what is a very difficult time for them.

“Our enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances of what has happened and we are asking anyone who was in the area at the time of the crash and saw what happened to get in touch.

“In addition, if you have dash-cam that could help with our crash investigation then please contact us.”

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A spokesperson for bus company First said: "We can confirm that one of our buses was involved in the incident on Calder St, Tuesday evening.

"A full investigation into the circumstances is now underway, and we are working closely with Police Scotland.

"The thoughts of everyone at First Bus are with all those involved and affected by this incident."

Anyone who can assist is asked to call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 2648 of Tuesday, 4 April, 2023.

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