Respect, from one life-saver to another.

City firefighters in full turnout gear blared their sirens and cheered Friday night in a show of gratitude for medical workers at NYU Langone Kips Bay, one of the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We love you!” a firefighter could be heard shouting, as a row of FDNY members clapped and whooped.

New York’s Bravest offered their standing ovation at 7 p.m., as  smiling medical workers took a brief respite from the battle against the disease in the country’s epicenter.

“Back to work! Back to saving lives!” one Langone worker then shouted.

The heart-rending show of appreciation came hours after New York’s COVID-19 death toll surpassed that from the 9/11 terror attack.

Fire Department City of New York  members applaud healthcare worFire Department City of New York  members applaud healthcare worFire Department City of New York  members applaud healthcare worFire Department City of New York  members applaud healthcare worFire Department City of New York  members applaud healthcare wor

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