Family call on Hamas to release woman, 85, taken hostage without her medication and say she is in ‘a lot of pain’

  • READ MORE: Hamas took a Holocaust survivor in a wheelchair hostage, reveals Secretary of State Blinken – as Israel vows it will ‘do anything’ to rescue ‘more than 100’ taken 

The family of an 85-year-old woman taken hostage by Hamas on Saturday have begged for her release, saying she is without medicine and in ‘a lot of pain’.

Yaffa Adar was abducted from Israel and taken into Gaza on a golf cart amid the shock incursion into Israeli territories this weekend which has so far seen around 1,400 Israelis and Palestinian killed in clashes.

‘We’re shocked, it hurts in every inch of our bodies,’ granddaughter Adva Adar told Sky News. ‘We’re very scared for her, she’s ill, and of course she doesn’t have her medicine with her.’

‘We don’t even know how long she can survive without her medicine. What we do know is that without her medicine she’s in a lot of pain,’ she added. 

Adva said previously the family lost contact with her late on Saturday evening after receiving a message from her saying she could hear fighting in the streets. They later found her home had been burned down. 

‘We saw the videos showing men with guns taking her to Gaza. I cannot even start to imagine how scared she is.’

85-year-old Yaffa Adar, was bundled into a golf buggy at gunpoint by a group of terrorists. 

‘We’re shocked, it hurts in every inch of our bodies,’ granddaughter Adva Adar told Sky News

A plume of smoke rises in the sky of Gaza City during an Israeli airstrike on Monday

A paramedic holds a little girl with her face full of blood and dirt from the effects of the bombing of Israeli planes in Gaza on Monday 

Israeli police officers evacuate a woman and a child from a site hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip in Ashkelon, October 7, 2023

Ms Adar said her grandmother was a ‘very positive, very funny woman’.

Asked by Sky News what message she had for Hamas she said: ‘The situation might be hard, but there’s no reason in the world that elderly women and kids and babies get kidnapped. 

READ MORE: Hamas announces it will begin to EXECUTE hostages and post video evidence online for every Israeli airstrike as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu orders Israel’s Defence Forces to besiege Gaza

‘There’s no reason, and bring them back home. Whatever you do, just bring them back home.’

Some 100 people have been taken by Hamas terrorists since the attack began Saturday morning.

Unsettling footage has shown women being marched into vehicles, bloodied and bruised, often with their hands bound behind their backs.

Ron Dermer, the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs confirmed the Americans are among the ‘scores’ of civilians who have been kidnapped by Hamas.

It is unclear exactly how many Americans have been taken, but the hostages include women, children and the elderly.

This evening, Hamas‘ armed wing said it would begin executing an Israeli civilian captive in return for any new Israeli bombing of civilian houses without pre-warning. 

Abu Obaida, spokesperson for Hamas’ armed wing, the IQB, said they have been acting in accordance with Islamic instructions by keeping Israeli captives safe.

He blamed the intended move on Israel’s stepped-up bombing and killing of civilians inside their homes in air strikes without warning them. 

‘We have decided to put an end to this and as of now, we declare that any targeting of our people in their homes without prior warning will be regrettably faced with the execution of one the hostages of civilians we are holding,’ he said. 

In a video statement Monday, Israel’s foreign minister warned Hamas against harming any of the hostages who were taken from Israel and being held in Gaza. 

Eli Cohen said Israel was committed to bringing the hostages home ‘in the spirit of mutual responsibility.’

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Israelis walk by a blown up police station in Sderot that was destroyed during a battle with Hamas militants who had overtaken the building

Rockets are fired from Gaza toward Israel on Saturday night, October 7

A missile explodes in Gaza City during an Israeli air strike on Sunday night 

Gaza City has been devastated by airstrikes today in response to the surprise attack launched by Hamas on Saturday.

As violence escalates, Israel has responded with devastating airstrikes into the Gaza Strip, bringing down residential buildings they say contained military infrastructure.

The Israel Defense Forces announced on October 9 it had carried out more than 500 strikes on targets across the Gaza Strip overnight.

Palestinian officials said almost 500 people were killed, including 91 children.

With no sign of either side losing momentum, Israel declared a ‘complete siege’ on Gaza earlier today, ensuring ‘no electricity, no food, no fuel’ would reach the 2.3mn people living in the Gaza Strip.

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