PROOF, as if we needed it, that the Chinese communist government has been behind one hell of a disinformation campaign relating to the outbreak of coronavirus.

A report by the EU Agency the European External Action Service to be published this week concludes that “official and state-backed” Chinese sources are behind the spread of "conspiracy narratives" designed to exonerate the Chinese government.

Both “overt and covert tactics" are being used by Beijing to try and create a false narrative about how the coronavirus started.

The report – revealed today by Politico’s Brussels Playbook – concludes: “China has run a global disinformation campaign to deflect blame for the outbreak of the pandemic.”

Let’s just think about the consequences of that for a moment.

In the midst of a global health crisis that has now killed over 170,000 worldwide, the Chinese government are using the most disgusting and dodgy fake news tactics to try and clear its name.

That’s not going to happen.

We’re not stupid.

The whole world knows what the totalitarian regime did at the start of this crisis. It tried to silence doctors. It tried to lie about how Covid-19 was spread. And for a period it did hoodwink the compliant World Health Organisation.

In fact, I will go on the record again to say the cover-up makes Chernobyl look like a misdemeanour crime.

The Chinese government now has further questions to answer about claims in the Washington Post that revealed US State Department cables have suggested Covid-19 may have been created in a Chinese laboratory and then spread via Wuhan’s wet markets.

The US president Donald Trump has said “more and more we’re hearing the story”.

The Australian government is right to demand an independent investigation into how China handled the outbreak that isn’t conducted by the World Health Organisation.

We’re now wise to Chinese tactics.

We know about the despicable wet markets.

We know why it’s simply untenable to allow Huawei to build our 5G network.

And we know why following this catastrophic event we simply must change our working relationship with China.

No disinformation campaign, no matter how sophisticated, will hoodwink the British public on this matter. And hopefully our government will realise that.

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