• The coronavirus pandemic has swept the globe, infecting at least 553,000 people across 176 countries.
  • To keep the virus from spreading, a growing number of countries are initiating lockdowns and encouraging people to stay at home.
  • But around the world, people have found creative ways to continue celebrating birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries while keeping their social distance.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many to cancel their weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries as the world is increasingly being told to stay inside and maintain social distancing.

But people have gotten creative.

Rather than letting the pandemic spoil their celebrations, many have come together (while keeping a safe social distance) to surprise one another on special occasions.

Here are some heartwarming examples of how people are continuing to come together, while staying apart.

In New York City, a couple didn't let the virus cancel their wedding. They took to the streets and had their officiant conduct the ceremony from the fourth floor of an apartment to maintain proper distance.

In January, a couple in Singapore who returned from China days before their weddingdecided to attend their own ceremony via livestream to avoid potentially exposing their friends and family to the virus.

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One bride even figured out how to keep her immunocompromised grandmother included in her wedding — by showing her the wedding dress through a window.

In Minnesota, a couple got married in their living room with a small gathering of friends and family, and live-streamed the ceremony to other guests via Zoom.

One couple created a virtual wedding ceremony on the game "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" after their real-world ceremony was canceled.

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And in Israel, people still gathered to celebrate a wedding but remained scattered about as they danced on balconies.

Around the world, children who have had their birthday parties canceled have been celebrating with their families and neighbors through drive-by-parades and singing happy birthday together.

This eight-year-old girl was heartbroken when she found out she couldn't have a party. But her spirits were lifted after her neighbors came together to wish her happy birthday from afar.

In Jordan, the staff of a hotel sang happy birthday after they heard a three-year old boy was being quarantined.

This family came together to make a special video and surprise birthday celebration for their mom, after her travel plans were canceled.

Many elderly people have been surprised on their birthdays by friends and family who have made signs, gifts, and sang together while maintaining a safe distance.

This family stood on the edge of their 95-year-old grandmother's lawn to sing happy birthday and hold up signs.

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A 93-year-old man wouldn't let the virus stop him from bracing the cold and going to his childhood sweetheart's window to wish her a happy birthday.

A woman turning 100 years old was greeted by friends and family who gathered outside of her nursing home to sing to her and hold up loving signs.

One man who was turning 101 wrote a message about his party being canceled, and asked the internet to grant him 101,000 likes or comments to celebrate virtually.

The coronavirus hasn't stopped couples from celebrating their anniversaries, either.Rather than going out to eat, this couple set up their own romantic restaurant-style date at home.

And this couple decided to spread messages of love throughout their house to celebrate 23 years of marriage.

A couple whose 50th anniversary dinner was canceled was met with a surprise as neighbors gathered outside to serenade them with "Can't help falling in love," and other romantic songs.

And though he was unable to visit his wife in her nursing home on their wedding anniversary, a man in Connecticut stood outside with a sign that read "I've loved you 67 years and still do. Happy Anniversary."

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Some have even gone on virtual vacations. This couple had their anniversary cruise canceled, but decided to get creative by kicking back in robes and toasting to a serene ocean scene on their TV screen.

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