The White House Farm murders shook the nation, but Colin Caffell was more deeply affected than anyone in the ordeal.

Colin lost his twin sons, Daniel and Nicholas, and their mother Sheila Caffell in the horrific mass murder.

Appearing on This Morning today, Colin opened up about the heartbreaking experience and the path to justice for killer Jeremy Bamber.

He said: "I walked straight into all Jeremy's lies, [they were] very seductive."

At first, when Sheila was accused of the murders, Colin got caught up in the lies.

He said: "I was in shock, I was kind of believing things but not believing things."

Colin first felt suspicious of Bamber when he started behaving strangely in his apartment, and exhibiting red flags at the family's funeral.

The heartbroken father went on: "He used to show all the elements of not really grieving."

He remembered one incident where Bamber "came running up the stairs giggling and he ran into my mother, and he put on the whole performance."

Later, on the way to the crematorium after the funeral, he said: "He started laughing around with Julie in the car saying what he'd like to do to her in the afternoon."

Julie Mugford, Bamber's girlfriend, eventually gave him into the police, revealing his part in the murders.

Colin described Bamber as "really sick" as he reflected on the devastating crime.

White House Farm continues Wednesday at 9pm on ITV.

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