President Donald Trump and Defense Secretary Mark Esper have very different views on whether U.S. embassies were facing an imminent threat, when Trump ordered a drone strike killing Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani.

Esper went CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday and admitted he “didn’t see” any concrete evidence that American embassies were facing a possible threat, raising questions about statements Trump made last week on Fox News, claiming attacks were being planned targeting “four embassies.”

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CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert took aim at the Trump administration tonight, for its shifting stories on Iran.

“Wow. The Trump administration, they’re like a couple who doesn’t coordinate their lie before leaving a party,” Colbert quipped, before imitating an imaginary couple. “‘Well, we gotta head out. Babysitter called. What’s that? My wife said our embassies are under threat? Yes. They were threatened by the babysitter. She’s a maniac.’”

Colbert then read a tweet from this morning, when Trump insisted he and Esper are on the same page. Trump claimed the “fake news media” and Democrats are to blame for the confusion.

Problem is, Trump mixed up eminent and imminent, prompting Colbert to pounce.

“Donald Trump is the most imminent example of a man who doesn’t know how to spell imminent,” the comedian said to laughter.

Trump later replaced the “eminent” tweeted and correctly spelled “imminent.”

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