NETFLIX fans have been left shocked by historical documentary The Last Czars – as it’s packed with graphic sex scenes and full-frontal nudity.

The new show is a mix of dramatisation and experts explaining the history, filling viewers in on the fall of the Romanov dynasty in Russia.

But fans who’d streamed the show in the hope of getting a detailed history lesson got more than they bargained for.

One viewer tweeted: "Watching The Last Czars. Abby wonders in and starts watching cuz she likes history. Then theres an orgy on the screen. Hahaha."

Whilst another said: "This Last Czars series on Netflix is batsh*t crazy. Just scene after scene of explicit Rasputin orgies followed by historians talking about how the Czar's family had no idea how to manage public relations. Absolutely, you should be watching it."

A third tweeted: "the last czars looks so good but when they open their mouths and have random orgies…"

Another joked: "So I'm watching the Last Czars on Netflix and if my wife every decided to start reciting prayers during sex imma be pissed"

While another questioned if there really needs to be that many sex scenes in the Netflix series and took to twitter and said: "watching the Last Czar and thinking whether the abundant sex scenes are that necessary? Are they making the show seem more historically accurate?"

The epic show is based around the fall of monarchical rule in the early 20th century, and stars Robert Jack as Tsar Nicholas II.

But it also has graphic sex scenes of the royal couple in bed together, mad monk Rasputin taking part in orgies – and actors flashing their bits at the camera.

And while experts talk viewers through the more complicated historical points, the actors have admitted it’s not your classic documentary.

Susanna Herbert who plays Alexandra says: “It's not your average stiff, stilted period drama, there's some dark comedy in there too.

“I love that this dark humour is juxtaposed with raw, brutal, highly emotionally charged scenes and interspersed with world-class historians offering up facts you will never have heard before about the story.”

Ben Cartwright who plays Rasputin added: “It's a retelling the story of the fall of the Romanov dynasty over six-parts with expert analysis from historians who specialise in that era and a Game of Thrones-esque sort of epic drama that runs alongside it. I think that was the goal of everybody.”

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