It’s been 25 years since Juliette Lewis and Woody Harrelson terrorized as a young couple on a crime spree in Oliver Stone‘s Natural Born Killers. The three reunited on Tuesday to celebrate the milestone.

The trio posed on the red carpet for the anniversary screening at Beyondfest and later participated in a Q&A to discuss the 1994 movie.

Lewis, 46, stunned in an monochrome red suit with a plunging blouse and the jacket draped over her shoulders, while Harrelson, 58, and Stone, 73, rocked the suit with no tie look.

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Natural Born Killers follows Harrelson and Lewis as Mickey and Mallory Knox, a young couple who goes on the run and creates a media frenzy due to their gruesome crime spree.

“I think it was a special movie,” Stone told the L.A. Times ahead of the anniversary. “There’s nothing quite like it. It’s one of a kind.”

Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis and Oliver Stone

Lewis also spoke to the Times about the relevance of the movie today, with constant news cycles digging in on crime stories that are often violent.

“As far as the themes of what Natural Born Killers was posing and making a statement on, absolutely they are as relevant today as they were,” she said. “I felt like the movie was actually ahead of its time. One of those you catch up to. And that’s what’s amazing about an Oliver Stone, about radical thinkers, society has to catch up to what he was posing at the time.”

Natural Born Killers

The movie also raised similar concerns as the recent Joker film, with some critics worrying that such display of violence could incite copycats. But Stone dismisses the theory that Hollywood films are the only violence audiences see on their screens.

“Why don’t we blame it on our Pentagon and all of our military budget and the trillion dollars that we invest in all the wars and occupying the whole planet and inciting people to fight, fight, fight on our televisions?” he told the Times. “That’s what you should blame, the mentality of violence in the air. How is a movie going to kick off this kind of violence? It’s on television every day. If you turn on any channel … you’re most likely to see some kind of shooting, some kind of episodic TV cops show, murder story. Bad guy gets killed, the good guy wins. The usual fiction.”

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