Emmerdale 's Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb) could be putting herself in a lot of danger as she continues her romps with Nate Robinson (Jurell Carter).

The Emmerdale cast member is risking the wrath of her husband Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley), who is sure to be furious when he finds out what she has been up to.

Fans took to a forum to ask if the soap could be lining up a Moira whodunnit, as one asked: "I wonder (complete speculation) if they are building up to some kind of “who attacked Moira” storyline, given that she is making a lot of potential enemies at the moment.

"Cain, Amy, Will, Harriet and Nate himself could all be in the frame.

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"She does seem to be going out of her way to be unlikeable, and that often leads into some kind of whodunnit. But I am probably way off the mark…"

Another added: "Hopefully they'll kill her off, then move in a new family into the farm to hopefully breath some life into the show."

A third chipped in: "Only if they kill off a few other Dingles along with her. There is far too many of them."

A fourth wrote on social media: "Can't wait for Cain to find out."

Meanwhile, another fan begged for Nate to be revealed as Cain's son and for Cain to 'splatter' him, writing: "When is it gonna come out that Nate is Cain's Son?? Getting lingering now get Moira up the duff.

"Nate splattered by Cain this side of Crimbo please."

Fans are convinced Nate isn't who he says he is, and can't wait for the truth to finally be revealed.

Could Moira be sleeping with her own step-son?

Emmerdale continues tomorrow at 7pm on ITV.

  • Emmerdale
  • Family

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