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Nothing screams soapland like a good old fashioned catfight and Emmerdale fans are in for a treat as Mandy Dingle and Nicola King come to blows at Angelica’s birthday party.

Lisa Riley – who plays Mandy – teased what’s to come in a conversation with OK! and other reporters, and it sounds like there will be no shortage of drama or comedic value in the scenes due to air in Tuesday’s (27 July) episode.

“There was cake in every orifice. There was cake in my knickers when I got back home! Plus, the wig goes flying. Honestly, Mandy's wig is such a feature, it should get its own credit for that episode,” Lisa laughed.

The 45-year-old soap star continued: “One of the cameramen works over at Corrie as well and on the day he said he could see us becoming the Gail and Eileen of Emmerdale. You know how they get thrown together once every 18 months.”

And cake isn’t the only ammunition that’s involved. With the pair butting heads at a kid’s birthday party, there are plenty of props on offer including super soakers and Gladiator-style inflatable cotton buds.

“Mandy is known for fighting but this one is up there because of the volume of props,” Lisa explained.

She continued: “The water bombs, the super soakers, the hand pistols, the cake, the bouncy castle, the hot chocolate…”

“And Nicola is like a Jack Russell. No matter how much Mandy puts her down she’s straight up and back at her ankles again,” added Nicola Wheeler, who dubbed the brawl the “most fun fight” she’s ever done since joining Emmerdale.

“It’s very comedic and I love that,” said Nicola. “They start whacking each other with these huge inflatables. Poor Rodney gets hit and then it turns into a water fight. It’s full throttle and not long before they involve the cake. I was like a Krispy Kreme by the end of it!”

There were also stunts involved and Lisa and Nicola were determined to do as much of their own work as possible.

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“We had body doubles, but I said I wanted to do it,” Lisa recalled. “I said, ‘If I can pick Robin Windsor up on Strictly [Come Dancing], Nicola Wheeler’s a pigeon!’ So, I get Nicola on my shoulders and we’re spinning… I embodied my inner Tom Cruise.”

Nicola then explained that the pair did everything minus the throws. “I’ve got a back injury, but if I didn’t I swear to God we’d have done the whole thing if it was down to Lisa!" she said.

The conflict all kicks off when Nicola discovers that her husband Jimmy recently shared a shock kiss with Mandy. Nicola and Jimmy’s marriage is already on the rocks, but it’s well and truly over when she finds out about that.

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Lisa Riley on epic Emmerdale catfight with Nicola Wheeler – ‘I had cake in my knickers’

However, Nicola takes it all a step too far with Mandy when she brings Vinny into the equation.

“Nicola calls Mandy an unfit mother,” Lisa told us. “She brings up the alcoholism and starts saying, ‘No wonder Vinny’s turned out like he has.’ Well, that's like a red rag to a bull with Mandy. You can say anything, but mention Vinnie and she's gonna go for you.”

Having done all she could to save their marriage, Mandy has ended up right in the middle of Jimmy and Nicola’s domestic, but has this driven a wedge between the three of them for good?

Emmerdale airs weekdays on ITV.

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