Emmerdale fans have "worked out" that Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb) is not the father of Chloe Harris' (Jessie Elland) after a soap star dropped a major hint.

After having a one-night stand with Chloe last year, Mack did everything in his power to prevent his partner Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) from finding out the truth.

But after Charity saw Mack hold a sick Reuben in his arms, she made the heartbreaking realisation that her husband had a baby with someone else.

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The couple have since split, while Mack and Chloe have become an item in a bid to become a proper family.

But some fans think Nate Robinson could turn out to be Reuben's real father after actor Jurell Carter dropped a major hint about a previous fling.

"I think obviously he’s had a fling with Chloe. That was just a sexual thing rather than any kind of romance or anything like that," he told press.

Jurell, who has played Nate since 2019, added: "He met Naomi, which they got on but again, work commitments and just not being on the same page got in the way.

"So I think he's finally got his match with Tracy and I feel like it's nice to see on screen as well."

Fans have now shared their thoughts on the theory on social media, with one writing: "#Emmerdale After all this, Nate will be the baby’s father!"

"If the baby somehow ended up being Nate's, Ruben would go from being Moira's nephew to Cain's grandson #Emmerdale," added a second viewer.

Another fan tweeted: "#emmerdale is Mack really the father? Didn't she sleep with Nate too? Al?"

While a fourth echoed: "Just had a thought: what if Chloe's baby isn't Mack's what if it's Nate's but he doesn't know about it."

Just last week, Tracy Metcalfe (Amy Walsh) returned to the Dales and married Nate after the pair rekindled their romance off-screen.

Amy, who briefly left the soap to head on maternity leave, teased that there is drama ahead for the newlyweds.

The 36-year-old explained: "It is like domestic bliss with all the bumps that come with that. So we've got some issues coming up."

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