Things are looking pretty bleak for Gary Windass (Mikey North) in Coronation Street this week as he attempts to escape the country only for Rick Neelan (Greg Wood) to take him hostage and prepare to kill him. Covered in blood and chained up, Gary’s fate seems certain and Rick makes his intentions very clear.

However, Gary somehow manages to get out of this mess, it can be confirmed, as new pictures for the week which follow show Gary trying to make things up to Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien). He’s very much alive and pretty unscathed – and seeing as he seems to feel safe not going abroad after all and his biggest focus is on matters of the heart, does that mean that Rick has been dealt with?

Captions for the pictures say: ‘Gary tells Sarah that he’ll help her deal with the passports she stole from Rick but is there any future for their relationship?’

That seems unlikely as Metro Soaps’ weekly free newsletter recently revealed that Sarah will be embarking on a sizzling summer romance with Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson). So it looks like while it may not be curtains for Gary in the death sense, one thing that will die is his relationship with Sarah.

Another relationship hitting the rocks in the wake of the drama this week is that of Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) and Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) as she indicates that it’s all over for them. But how much of his dark nature has she uncovered and can he talk her round?

The captions continued: ‘Leanne packs her bags to leave with Oliver. Is there anything Nick can say that will make Leanne change her mind?’

Given that he stole from his gran and may even have been involved in Rana’s death, it might take a lot for Nick to salvage this!

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