NBC’s Chicago Fire follows the everyday lives of firefighters and paramedics of Firehouse 51 – they risk their lives to protect the residents of Chicago. Aside from the cutting-edge scenes, the series features some heartfelt moments as well. As the show celebrates its 200th episode, Chicago Fire co-creator showrunner Derek Haas shared his favorite romantic moment from the series.
‘Chicago Fire’ co-creator Derek Haas will ‘always remember’ this romantic scene
Chicago Fire fans can’t get enough of the brewing romances in Firehouse 51. For co-creator Derek Haas, two memorable moments top all the rest. In an interview with TVLine, the Chicago Fire showrunner shared the first kiss between Matthew Casey (Jesse Spencer) and Gabby Dawson (Monica Raymund) was an unforgettable event. The kiss took place In Chicago Fire Season 2 Episode 8, titled “Rhymes With Shout.”
“I always remember the first time Casey and Gabby kissed,” Haas says. “She was getting ready to go over to his place, and there’s this great little sequence of shots that Joe Chappelle directed, where she’s getting dressed in the mirror, she’s putting on lipstick, and she opens her door and Casey’s there. He was coming over to her place. That one, I’ll always remember as being a really great romantic moment.”
Besides the kiss scene, Haas loved when Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) took Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) to the hospital dedicated to his late girlfriend. When they are driving back, Severide looks like he’s “in a hurry” and then it cuts to them getting milkshakes. Haas said that moment was “really sweet.”
Haas details the most unforgettable wedding scene in the series
Chicago Fire has featured numerous weddings that melted the hearts of many. Many couples have declared their love in unique locations, like Casey and Gabby at the courthouse – or Randall McHolland (Christian Stolte) and Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) at Molly’s, a notorious bar frequented by the members of Firehouse 51.
While there were so many beautiful moments, Haas could only pick one that stole his heart. In season 2, Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) and Donna Robbins (Melissa Ponzio) hosted a wedding atop the firehouse. For Hass, the location was an exceptional place, making it truly unforgettable. “That was pretty awesome because the firetrucks had their ladders crossed, and it just seemed really cool and sweet,” he said.
What’s next for ‘Chicago Fire’?
As the NBC drama series celebrates its 200th episode, Chicago Fire showrunner Derek Haas wants to keep the show going as long as possible. Haas recently told TVLine that he’d continue the story if the “audience keeps watching” the show. “It is mind-blowing that we still have these longtime, faithful watchers, plus a few new ones. So it feels like there’s an appetite for it,” he said.
Haas continued, “it’s never boring. If you’re in the fire department, those calls are never boring. That’s what makes the show awesome. When the bells go off, you don’t know what you’re going to see next. So we’re still loving it, loving the challenges. And always trying to top ourselves and always trying to come up with a new surprise.”
Chicago Fire airs Wednesdays on NBC at 9/8c.
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