There are medical emergencies aplenty in Coronation Street – and you don’t get more of an emergency than a woman pregnant with quadruplets going into labour in a stalled cable car. But will everything be okay as Gemma Winter (Dolly-Rose Campbell) gives birth in the most extreme of circumstances?

Elsewhere, Emma Brooker (Alexandra Mardell) is also facing a hospital drama as she collapses – but what is wrong with her? Over in the prison, Josh Tucker’s (Ryan Clayton) injuries lead to devastation for David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) as he finds himself charged with attempted murder.

10 Corrie spoilers

  • Stranded in a cable car, Gemma goes into labour.
  • Beth accuses Daniel of having an affair with Bethany.
  • Gail determines to heal the rift in her family.
  • Liz and Tracy decide to go on holiday together but Steve isn’t sure.
  • Daniel makes the decision to take Bertie to Scotland.
  • Jade convinces Fiz to go and stay with her mother – she will look after Hope.
  • David is charged with the attempted murder of Josh.
  • Steve blames Ali’s negligence when Emma collapses.
  • Jade gets her feet under the table – and presents Tyrone with a gift.
  • Maria and Gary go on a lunch date.

Monday 28th October Part One

Daniel struggles to cope amid the funeral plans and asks everyone to leave. When he later defends Bethany to Evelyn, Beth is furious and accuses him of having an affair to her before Sinead is even cold.

Bernie has painted Chesney as a love rat in the magazine interview and he is not happy. Meanwhile, he reflects on the future in the wake of Sinead’s death. Gail tells Shona that she thinks of her as a daughter while Sarah apologises to Adam for Bethany’s behaviour.

Monday 28th October Part Two

Gail discovers from Audrey that Max has been failing to take his medication and has instead been selling them at school. Gail is horrified that the family is falling apart and resolves to get them back on track.

Chesney decides to propose to Gemma while Daniel announces his plans to take Bertie for a stay in Scotland, leaving Beth worried that they might not come back. Liz offers to take Tracy on a break to Spain but Steve is unsure. David maintains his innocence in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Wednesday 30th October Part One

Gemma tells Chesney she wants to get away from the day so Chesney gets rid of the press and takes her to Llandudno. However, in the cable car, Chesney proposes and Gemma goes into labour, prompting him to hit the emergency brake.

Fiz takes a call from her mum who has been in an accident but she confides in Jade that she suspects Hope was behind the fire at the factory so she can’t leave her like this. But Jade assures her she can look after the girls for her.

Shona is torn as she is told the balance for the wedding venue is due so Gail insists to Nick that he steps up for David. Geoff and Yasmeen announce that they have bought Zeedan’s share of Speed Daal.

Wednesday 30th October Part Two

Jade persuades Fiz that it is her duty to go and look after her mum and promises that Hope will be safe with her and Tyrone. After a grateful Fiz heads off, Jade cooks for Tyrone and Evelyn before presenting him with a gift.

As the cable car swings in the breeze, Gemma and Chesney are trapped and Gemma fears she will have to give birth while airborne. Gail calls a family meeting and Yasmeen worries that Alya will disapprove of Geoff’s involvement at Speed Daal.

Thursday 31st October

David prepares for his hearing and Abe and the gang warn him to stick to the story or he will face similar treatment to Josh. David is refused bail and remanded in custody but later, Josh wakes up and Shona hopes that he will tell the truth.

Bethany quizzes Maria about her feelings for Gary and he later invites her on a lunch date. Gemma is overwhelmed by motherhood and is tearful when she struggles to express milk. Ali insists that he is in control of his addiction to Maria while Evelyn suggests to Michael that he takes Jade for a drink.

Friday 1st November Part One

Shona is excited at the prospect of David returning home but she could have bad news in store. Meanwhile, Ali urges Emma to get some rest, suggesting she has food poisoning. Toyah urges Ali to tell Maria how he feels.

Michael has an offer for Jade and Hope while Bernie sets up an Instagram account for the quads.

Friday 1st November Part Two

Emma collapses and is rushed to hospital where it is discovered that she needs an urgent operation for a ruptured appendix. Steve is furious and blames Ali for misdiagnosing her. David is worried when Abe threatens Max and Lily.

Evelyn turns the tables on Michael and uses him to do all of her chores while the Instagram account leads to Gemma getting a free hotel stay while the quads are in hospital.

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