We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what movies are so bad, they’re good. Here are the entertaining results:

1.The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)

Everyone is constantly saying it’s cheesy, and Celia is a stereotypically edgy, not-like-the-other-girls kind of character, but I actually really enjoyed it, not gonna lie.


5.The Meg (2018)

I watched it every day for an entire summer. It’s so terrible and pretty cliché, but it doesn’t end the way you think it would. It’s an awful, terrible, perfect movie.


7.Baywatch (2017)

It’s awful, but I loved it. I laughed my ass off.


8.Bratz (2007)

During a semi-romantic scene, Mila Kunis’s character seriously says, “I love dogs.” It’s my favorite quote.


13.Encino Man (1992)

It was one of my favorite movies as a kid. The whole concept of a caveman being frozen in ice and then thawed out and attending high school is so ridiculous and dumb, it’s hilarious. It’s full of cheesy early ’90s lingo, and Stoney is iconic to this day.


14.Greta (2018)

The acting — aside from the titular character — isn’t great, and the story is outrageous and full of so many things that wouldn’t happen in real life. However, the suspense is definitely real. It’s perfect for poking fun at while still having a great time!


15.Barely Lethal (2015)

It’s a spy movie starring Hailee Steinfeld that never made it to theaters but was released on-demand. It’s about an orphaned teenager who, against her will, was trained to be an elite spy. However, she wants a shot at having a normal life, so she fakes her death and tries to enter high school. It’s got a solid premise with a stellar cast — including Samuel L. Jackson, Jessica Alba, Sophie Turner, and Dove Cameron — but the direction makes it seem like it’s more of a Disney Channel movie. Somehow, it’s still super fun and easy to watch.


16.A Simple Favor (2018)

That movie is wild and incoherent in the best way possible. Also, Blake Lively wears a lot of great suits. I loved it.


17.Alex Strangelove (2018)

It has bad dialogue, and Alex’s friends aren’t exactly the best. However, the parts where he comes to terms with his sexuality make the movie watchable.


18.Murder Mystery (2019)

It has all the cheese expected from an Adam Sandler movie, but it’s entertaining and unexpectedly funny the whole way through.


19.Troll 2 (1990)

If you’re a fan of The Room, then I’d really recommend this movie. It’s about a kid whose family goes on vacation to a town called Nilbog that’s populated by people-eating goblins who can disguise themselves as humans. However, the goblins are vegetarians, so they must turn every human they meet into a plant-like goo before they can eat them. It has terrible acting, costumes, and dialogue — pretty much everything that makes a terrible movie!


20.Snakes on a Plane (2006)

The concept is wild, but Samuel L. Jackson is so quotable. It’s pretty unbelievable but also pretty amazing.


21.And finally, The Room (2003)

The script is awful, the characters are awful, and the style is about a decade off. That said, my husband and I were in tears laughing the first time we watched it and still quote it to each other to this day.


Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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