Brisbane assistant Kurt Richards admits Anthony Milford has yet to make an impact at an NRL Nines but has predicted that trend to end thanks to the arrival of Brodie Croft.

Richards said Milford's halves combination with former Melbourne playmaker Croft had blossomed in the pre-season and was excited by what the mercurial five- eighth could produce at this week's tournament in Perth.

Brisbane assistant coach Kurt Richards predicted fans would finally see Anthony Milford (left) at his best after a return to the halves to link with Brodie Croft (right) in 2020.Credit:Getty Images

"He's gone to a few Nines competitions now and he will honestly say himself he didn't fire a shot in those," he said.

"But I am pretty excited for what he will bring this year because of what the players around him will do to give him those opportunities.

"I think there is plenty to expect from Anthony. Someone like Brodie Croft will really suit him well.

"Anthony isn't one for game management, getting them around the park and then focus on the end of sets.

"He's got Crofty who can do that job.

"He (Milford) can sit back, keep his eyes on what the opposition are doing and pull the trigger when we need him."

Milford was slotted into fullback last year after mixed form in the No.6 jersey.

But Richards predicted fans would finally see Milford at his best – in his sixth season at the Broncos – after a return to the halves to link with Croft in 2020.

"He (Milford) is certainly the fittest he has been since he has been at the club," Richards said.

"He will be judged by what he does out on the park but I am pretty excited to see that combination blossom between him and Crofty.

"And in my role working on his kicking game I have noticed a big change in that. He has put a lot of time in it.

"And we've got Crofty there as well now who is a natural kicker of the ball to complement him as well so I am pretty excited about him."


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