LIVERPOOL'S Jordan Henderson is spending millions on a mansion — complete with a “trophy corridor”.

But there could be a gaping hole if Premier League chiefs bosses scrap the season over Covid-19.

Reds captain Henderson, 29, has been praised for leading a drive for Premier League players to give the NHS £4million but faces a battle to get these proposals past local authorities.

The Cheshire village’s ­parish council blasted the seven-bedroom design, which has an indoor pool, for being like a “hotel complex”.

It also opposes the plans of England’s Henderson, married with three children, as they “seek to demolish two substantial homes”.

An objection letter said the look “is more akin to a commercial or industrial building than a dwelling”.

Drawings by architect Wake Morley reveal the home has a leisure suite and a roof to attract wildlife, and a cinema room.

Two guest bedrooms over the garage are linked to the house by a glass walkway.

The grounds will also boast a tennis court, giant patio and barbecue area.

Cheshire East Council is expected to make a decision next month.

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