Your Key Dates

You thought October was crazy? Just wait until you see what November has in store! The month kicks off with a major motion: Saturn (the hardworking, taskmaster of the zodiac) creates a harmonious connection with Neptune (the planet of spirituality and creativity) on November 8. This lucky alignment is actually the final installment of a three-part series that defined 2019. Think back to January 31 and June 18: What was unfolding during this time? And what have you learned three months later? For you, Leo love, the Saturn-Neptune connection reinforced the reality that good things come to those who wait. You’re beginning to see how your patience is rewarded and, though it may sound cliché, the journey is truly the destination.

Knock, knock! Who’s there? Oh, it’s just the big, bright Full Moon in Taurus on November 12, illuminating your destiny! That’s right, Leo babe, this lunation is going to supercharge your career, so don’t be surprised if an exciting opportunity comes your way mid-month. But you may want to hold off on singing any major contracts for another week because Mercury is *still* retrograde! Until this planet of communication resumes its normal activity on November 20, be extra careful with paperwork. No faulty contracts for you, my dear!

The Sun slides into fiery Sagittarius on November 22 and you’re ready to take center stage (yet again). Sagittarius fans your own flame, so over the next few weeks, don’t be afraid to turn up the heat. Whether you’re belting on the karaoke microphone or launching your highly-anticipated YouTube channel, you’re feeling brave, bold, and confident. No need to overthink anything—you know your fans adore you!

But on November 26, when the Moon joins the Sun, you’ll experience an even deeper, more intimate expression of this passionate energy. For you, Leo babe, November’s New Moon is extremely romantic. It’s time to open your lion heart to love! In the darkness of this lunation, focus on manifesting adoration by falling head-over-heels in love…with yourself. Your external relationships will always mirror your internal world, so when you treat yourself with kindness and compassion, you’ll receive be sure to receive it in return. As above, so below.

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