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A man shared his first-hand experience of dating a single mum – and the video left many in tears.

The singleton, who is known as @noneya7230 on TikTok, told his viewers that he had recently gone through a breakup.

The army veteran welled up while sitting in his car and admitted his ex was a single mother.

The captions pop up saying: "When it comes to dating a single mum, brother, let me warn you, her heart's not the only one in your hands.

"Those babies are gonna grow on you more and more. Before you realise it, you won't miss a ball game if you can help it. They'll become a part of you.

"And when it ends, you'll be more torn about losing them than anything and you'll never forgive yourself."

He added: "It's one of the hardest things because unlike with your own, you'll still at least get to be there."
The TikToker warned others to "take your heart and their hearts into consideration" before jumping in to relationships.

He also gave tips to women on dating single fathers – and the first one was to understand that their time is "valuable".

"Don't waste it because he won't always be available," he wrote.

He also noted a father's biggest concern is for his children to "have a good life" — to be included in the picture shows that he "values you as a good role model".

Some viewers shared their thoughts after watching his video.

One said: "I honestly think that's why I keep pushing guys away because I'm scared to hurt my son in all this to be honest. I don't need him getting attached to."

Another single mother added: "Same here, single nearly six years, three little hearts that mean more than my own."

A third chimed in: "Just told my dad this exact thing this morning. Makes me nervous to even meet anyone, just in case this would happen."

"Would you ever date a single mum?" a fourth asked the man, to which he replied: "Absolutely, I'm just very careful."

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  • Dating

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