The Queen has formally asked Boris Johnson to be our new Prime Minister – and we've got an official new photo to prove it.

The historical moment was captured on camera as the new Tory leader takes on the role from Theresa May , with Boris following the tradition of 'kissing the hands' of the Monarch.

But many people on social media were slightly confused by one part of the historical photo – the Queen's handbag.

She carries a bag with her wherever she goes, so it in itself isn't exactly surprising, but people couldn't understand why she didn't put it down.

Others were also slightly confused as to why she needed a bag on this occasion as the meeting was taking place at Buckingham Palace – her home.

The Queen was holding her black Launer leather bag, which she has been using for more than 50 years , over her left arm while Boris shook her right.

However she did exactly the same thing – holding the same bag on the same arm – when she greeted Theresa May when she started her time at Number 10.

She kept hold of her bag when greeting Barack and Michelle Obama on their state visit, and has done the same when meeting other high profile guests over the years – so Boris shouldn't be offended.

She's been using the famous bag for official engagements, presidential visits and other key events for decades – and it even made an unexpected appearance in a portrait she had done last year.

The black bag has an unusual emblem on the front, which makes it instantly recognisable to fashion fans, reports the  Express  .

In 1968 the Queen awarded Launer her Royal Warrant.

She's used the bag for a number of big occasions, including her meeting with President Richard Nixon and Prime Minister Edward Heath in 1970.

She also had it when she welcomed Bill and Hillary Clinton to Buckingham Palace in 2000.

But one it's  most unexpected appearances was in a portrait  painted to celebrate 100 years of the RAF Club.

The new photo also sparked the old question of what the Queen keeps in her handbag.

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