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Stopping to smell the roses is a sweet sentiment, but these days, you barely have time to go to the bathroom let alone enjoy a walk in the park. That’s because between your job, your family and your oh-so-distant fitness goals, the idea of “spare time” just isn’t a thing anymore. And now, with the new year approaching, you feel like things are getting busier than ever.

Yes, it feels great to be busy and get things done, but it’s important to let yourself breathe and enjoy a little me-time once in a while! Whether it means enjoying a glass of wine (or two) in a relaxing bath or going for a leisurely jog, taking time to do something you enjoy is crucial to your everyday health and happiness — not to mention your mood. And for many people, taking some time every week to get lost in a good book is a fantastic way to unwind and relax. But who on earth has time for that?

These days, time never seems to be on your side. But instead of sacrificing one thing to do another, why not make the most of the little time you do have? That’s what the brilliant minds behind the 12min Micro Book Library thought when creating this app that lets you get an incredible amount of information from your favorite books and text in less time than it takes to do your hair in the morning.

How 12min Micro Books Works

Normally $346.50, a lifetime pass to the 12min Micro Book Library is on sale for just $29 right now! The 12min Micro Book Library gives you direct access to hundreds of micro books both in text and narrative form for you to explore at your own leisure. You’ll be able to select from 30 new titles in a wide array of topics every single month, getting the nitty-gritty in just 12 minutes. Imagine dropping some of that newly acquired knowledge in everyday convos or using it excel at work. You can even send these synthesized versions of your favorite books straight to your Kindle account, where you can enjoy them without having to connect to the Internet. Move over speed-reading, there’s a new kid in town.

Wondering how you can incorporate some feel-good activities into the very little spare time you have each day? Inspired by 12min Micro Book Library‘s mission to do something good for yourself in such a small window of time, we’ve gathered some awesome things you can do every day that are more than worthy of your oh-so-precious me-time.

Take a minute to breathe.

Sometimes, taking a moment to gather yourself takes more than a few deep breaths. And if you have about ten minutes to spare in your day (trust us, you can find some), you have time to do a short, easy meditation to help you re-center and gear up for whatever’s up next on that busy schedule of yours. Simply find a quiet place, whether it be your cubicle, your car, or even a bathroom stall, to breathe and relax your mind. Take a deep breath as you count back from four. After a few of these, you should start to completely lose any stressful thoughts, including that impending deadline and what you’re going to make for dinner later that night. Just try not to fall asleep!

Read a book.

There really is nothing like getting lost in a good book when you need to get rid of your troubles for a moment. But unfortunately, 12 minutes is hardly enough time to forget about all those work emails waiting in your inbox. That’s why the 12min Micro Book Library is perfect for those who desperately want to gather information from books, essays or other text in record time without having to slow down at all.

Have an express rock-out session.

Letting off steam, even if it’s just for a few minutes, can really help you take on the day. And dancing like nobody’s watching is one of the best stress-relievers around! If you have a spare three to five minutes every morning, you can totally dance like no one’s watching to start your day off on the right foot. Pick your favorite jam a la Whitney Houston or Ariana Grande, put on your headphones and shake out all that anxiety! It sounds weird but doing this can lift your mood significantly, helping you to jet off to work with a smile.

When it comes to taking advantage of the few spare minutes you have in a day, the 12min Micro Book Library is a total game-changer. And while the app normally runs for almost $350 bucks, you can snag it for a mere $29 — that’s a 91% discount!

Prices subject to change.

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