DEAR DEIDRE: I STILL love my girlfriend but she has cheated on me and now wants to just be friends.

We’re both 19 and have been together for four years.

When she went away to uni she said we’d make our relationship work.

But within a few weeks, she grew distant.

When I called her one night she sent me a picture from bed to prove she was alone.

But when I went to visit I realised the wall in her room was a different colour.

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She admitted she’d actually been in bed with another guy.

We broke up but she wants to keep talking every night, “as friends”. I’m confused and feel she’s using me.


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DEIDRE SAYS: She’s not being fair.

You need time and space to get over her.

Tell her you’d rather not talk until you feel stronger and read my support pack, Mend A Broken Heart, for advice on how to move on.

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