DEAR DEIDRE: I MOVED back home because of the coronavirus and my younger sister is making my life a nightmare.

I’m a girl of 19. She is 15 but slaps, punches and pinches me almost every day.

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She weighs more than me and is taller. It hurts.

Our parents never discipline her when she is abusive. Even when I call out to them when she is hitting me, they rarely do anything.

They don’t discipline her as they did me and my older brother.

I do argue with her but she gets away with murder and everything is always made out to be my fault.

DEIDRE SAYS: Maybe in your sister’s eyes you are the clever, glamorous older sister – so it put her nose out of joint to have you home again.

Your parents seem stuck in a rut of spoiling their youngest child but remember, you are an adult now.

Take in hand the child in you getting drawn into arguments with her.

Rise above it, walk away and your parents will start to respect your feelings more.

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