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You may have heard all sorts of chatter recently about Mercury going into retrograde, and while some are total pros on the matter, others aren't so sure what it's all about.

So, OK! Online caught up with Spiritual Expert and Psychic Reader at Psychic Sofa, Estella, who revealed just what it is, and how it can affect people and star signs.

Mercury went into retrograde for the third and final time in 2021 on September 27 and it ends on October 18.

Discussing its meaning, Estella said: "Planets always orbit the sun in the same direction as each other and with regards to the Planet Mercury, which takes 88 days to orbit the sun.

"So Mercury Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon that creates an optical illusion of Mercury appearing to slow down and go in reverse from our view on earth, compared to the other planets. This phenomenon happens three or four times depending on the year."

How does Mercury retrograde affect people?

"In astrology, Mercury is known to control travel, communication, and technology and can affect you in various ways. When in retrograde people often believe they are experiencing trouble or issues of some kind in their lives," Estella told us.

She continued: "A few examples of this would be, arguments and fallouts with those around you, miscommunication with colleagues and best-kept secrets often come out by mistake and cause associated problems. Often technology is affected where computers can crash/break down, or vehicle problems can occur.

"Often within this Mercury Retrograde, there can be a sense of nostalgia, where past loves and friendships are thought of and can often return during this period. So ideally, remaining cool, calm, and collected is something that would benefit you in so many ways."

Let's take a look at how each star sign is individually affected…


Relationships are often affected and problems can often arise, so be extra cautious when dealing with those you care for and love.


Health and self-care can be affected so sorting out stress/anxiety is the right time to do this and get your wellbeing right.


Love and creativity are something to look out for in this period, but beware of past loves trying to return bringing hurt from the past, back into your life.


In this period trouble and issues may arise on the homefront, so keeping patience and understanding may be needed. Be careful not to be drawn into other peoples drama or negativity.


Communication is often fraught with not holding back on what is on your mind at this time, so limiting too many emotional calls, and work/personal calls may be a necessity allowing the storm within you to pass by.


Financial and money issues are something to watch out for so overspending may be something that could happen, taking precautions now for a rainy day can be worthwhile.


Beware of being too overpowering and/or condescending towards others in this Mercury Retrograde or you may come unstuck in friendships and/or love.


Being a good listener to other people's problems at this time will help you to gain friends and influence people, putting you ahead of your game.


Be simple in your directions to others and be careful not to overstep the mark with your wit. It may just come across as being pompous.


Now is the ultimate time to be really patient and scale back on plans you may have made previously until Mercury Retrograde is over, or you just might come unstuck and important plans could fail.


Be extra cautious right now, particularly if you are looking to travel or move and it is not a time to perhaps make concrete plans just yet until Retrograde passes.


A good time to step back and analyse your life, especially if any strong feelings are with you right now. It could deter plans for the future.

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