What’s happening: Tonight, Mars squares off with Pluto. This transit is in effect all weekend long, and fills you up with an insane amount of motivation. Shoot your shot or start The Talk with your boo! The only problem is that you’re so fired up that you can come off as extra or even ruthless if you don’t get your way. Tact goes a long way this weekend, especially since Scorpio season starts on Saturday!

Scorpio is an emotional water sign, so you’re feeling way more sensitive right now—which can be good or bad. Venus squares off with Neptune on Tuesday, which makes it super easy for you to get duped. Luckily, Venus connects with lucky Jupiter at the end of the week. This is a perf conclusion to this up-and-down week, encouraging you to forgive and forget. If any drama pops up during the week, use Thursday’s astro-weather to get your love life back on track!

What that means for you:


Shoot your shot, Aries—but do so gracefully. When you’re into someone, you’re into them, and it’s easy to forget that just because you like someone, doesn’t mean they necessarily like you back. There’s also a lot to be said about your inability to back up your words…you might like them a lot now, but when someone a little bit cuter comes by, you’ll be all over them instead. Free advice: If you like someone, let them know and just see where it goes. This week can be romantic, sexy, and fun, but it’s okay to take things a little slow.


Scorpio season = cuffing season for your sign, Taurus, so starting this weekend you can expect waaaay more action! Here’s the thing, though—just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Cast a wide net, don’t take crushes or flirtationships too seriously, date often, and date well. This week, it’ll be easy to just go with the flow. You’re learning to express—and receive—more affection.


Trust your gut this weekend, Gemini. Libra season has been amazing for your love life, and you can finish it out with a real bang—literally! Be careful who you hook up with, though, because intense, intimate Scorpio season starts on Saturday. This makes you way more emotional, and waaaay more commitment-oriented. If you catch feelings for your fling, don’t worry—Tuesday’s vibe is sort of weird, so you might receive mixed signals, but Thursday’s astro-weather? *Chef’s kiss* Beautiful! Venus and lucky Jupiter are activating your chart’s relationships zone, so it’s one of the best ever times to shoot your shot. What’s holding you back? Go for it!


This is a critical weekend for your love life, Cancer. Pluto, the planet of transformation, is being activated by Mars, lighting your chart’s relationships zone on fire. This is intense energy, and it’s a big red flag for breakups. If your relationship is going fine, don’t expect any problems—in fact, you might have a surprise upgrade to your relationship status—but if your love life’s on thin ice, this is the weekend that it’ll be truly put to the test. Regardless of the outcome, Scorpio season is one of the hottest, most romantic months of the year for you, so stay ready!


Sorry, Leo—you’re probably stuck working this weekend. Plus, your love life is slowing down too, and you’re getting a little bored! Venus is trying to give you a helping hand, so you’re attracting tons of hotties early in the week, but just a heads up—if you’re looking for your Prince/Princess Charming, you’re going to have to kiss a lot of frogs. But just wait: Jupiter’s influence at the end of the week promises tons of luck when it comes to love, so keep your eyes peeled—your next boo could be right around the corner!


Quit beating yourself up, bb. Yes, your love life is a little strained this weekend. You’re prone to blaming yourself whenever you experience relationship problems, but listen—it’s not you, it’s them. Maybe you go on a few successful dates, and then get ghosted. Maybe you ask your crush out, and they’re not interested. Or maybe you ask your situationship to DTR, and they say they’re not ready. That is a them thing, not a you thing, Virgo. Scorpio season’s all about new connections, so don’t worry—there will be tons of hotties sliding into your DMs soon, and you won’t even miss these duds.


It’s the final weekend of Libra season, and your love life is…well, let’s just say it’s feeling a little stressful. You’re struggling to get your point across and feel heard, and you’re super emotional this weekend. Avoid blowing up on your partner, bb, otherwise you’ll just make things worse. If you can’t be nice, spend some time alone. The gentle astro-weather on Thursday strongly encourages you to mend broken relationships and reinforce your most strong, important connections, so everything will be just fine. Trust me.


It’s the final night of Libra season, and here comes your ex, acting a damn fool once again. Friday’s astro-weather is all about cutting shitty connections out of your life for good, so you can proceed forward into your birthday season without any baggage. Tuesday’s astro-weather is hot, hot, hot. If you’re already boo’d up, expect hella romance and tons of amazing sex with bae. However, if you’re single, be very careful who you decide to hook up with—catching feelings is almost guaranteed this week.


Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign right now, helping you attract all the hotties. You’re having tons of fun—until Scorpio season begins on Saturday. Scorpio season is asking you to take a look at the deepest connections you have with others. There are likely a few people from the past that you’re still hung up on, and if you’re not able to process your feelings and let them go for good, you might see them wandering your way. It’s time to kick them to the curb, Sagittarius, and Thursday’s gentle astro-weather is perfect for telling them things are over, tactfully, so you can move on with your life.


Your love life is pretty dry this weekend, Capricorn—like, dryer than the Mojave Desert. If you’re feeling especially thirsty, hit up that cutie in your crew! This astro-weather is nice for getting closer with your friends (*wiggles eyebrows*) and making new connections (*wiggles eyebrows again*). But if you’re not about hooking up, you’re sort of SOL right now, Capricorn. This is a more ~casual~ time for your love life, so don’t set any high expectations—at least for now.


It’s all eyes on you, Aquarius! You’re pretty self-conscious and hate feeling like you’re being put on the spot, but thankfully Jupiter is in your sign, helping you come off as more charismatic, likable, and confident. Be yourself this week and don’t be afraid to show the weird, unconventional, geeky parts of yourself. Let your freak flag fly! That way, you can attract people who are equally as unique as you that value your eccentricities, too.


The sexiest member of your squad is looking reeeaaally enticing this weekend, but try to avoid the temptation to get ~down and dirty~ with them. This week’s astro-weather is very emotional (even for you), and you’re feeling especially impulsive. Plus, the potential for miscommunication is very high. I’m not saying you shouldn’t flirt with your friend-crush at all, but be careful, be clear with your intentions, and be cordial, even if things don’t work out. You got this!

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