Dentists are warning Brits could damage their teeth by snapping up cut-price braces online.

Cheap orthodontics kits being sold on the internet come with videos that show how to fit and use the braces yourself.

Getting your teeth straightened at a traditional dentist usually costs between £2,500 and £5,000.

But one firm, SmileDirectClub, claims it can help people with “mild to moderate problems” for as little as £1,499.

The process normally begins with a 3D scan of your teeth in a high street shop or pharmacy. But the British Orthodontic Society has launched a campaign to warn about the risks of unsupervised treatment.

BOS president Jonathan Sandler said: “You could be in danger of having serious conditions missed, as well as inappropriate and dangerous treatment carried out.”

Dr Nigel Carter, of the Oral Health Foundation, said: “For many, it will feel a consumer-savvy choice. But orthodontics should always involve face-to-face contact with a trained professional.”

SmileDirectClub, which is opening shops in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Cambridge, Newcastle and Cardiff, says customers can have consultations with a UK dentist by email, web chat or phone to see how the aligners are working.

Customers visit the shop, where a 3D optical camera creates an interactive 3D image of their smile, teeth and gum lines.

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