Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – November 24, 2023

It’s Black Friday, when retailers encourage us to spend our cash in the run up to the festive season. And who doesn’t love a bargain? 

Although the Mercury/Venus/Uranus link helps us to be smart about managing our resources, the best deals won’t be found in the sales. 

The weekend brings opportunities for exchanges of dialogue and the sharing of heartfelt desires – and that beats any cheap deals!


March 21 – April 20

You’re already immersed in hot water. And you’re wondering if it’s about to get even hotter. If you stay submerged, will you start to gently simmer? If someone throws some tealeaves into the bath, will it reach a high enough temperature to create a nice cup of tea? Fortunately, the weekend brings a shift in your emotional climate. The result is that you’ll find a way to let off steam (without needing to get to boiling point). Not only will you feel refreshed. You’ll find the enthusiasm to be playful, in whatever situations you find yourself in.

Wonderful opportunities arise as the Full Moon energises your life. Visit cainer.com/dmfree

Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells those born under Sagittarius that their task is to find the resolve to want to expend their energy, and direct it in the most positive ways they can


April 21 – May 21

No one ever tells anyone everything. We withhold bits and pieces of information. Not because we’re being deceptive, but because we don’t want to bore them with too many details. Or we secretly think that if we reveal too much, we’ll lay ourselves open to judgment. And maybe (unconsciously) we don’t really want to hear their opinion. Yet even the omission of a seemingly insignificant piece of information can have serious consequences. This weekend brings a ta-dah moment. A missing piece of the jigsaw is on its way.

The Moon is growing powerful To create the change you wish for, visit cainer.com/dm


May 22 – June 22

Life hasn’t been easy. It’s no wonder you’re wondering why you’re doing what you’re doing. And it’s no wonder you’re uncertain about what you should be doing next. Since you’re an astute Gemini, self-doubt affects your capacity to think straight. And the cycle of uncertainty can get so intense, you can’t find a way to break free. But that’s a worst-case scenario. And it’s not what’s happening to you now. This weekend brings unexpected success in an area of your world that’s been challenging. Your confidence is coming back.

How will the Full Moon transform your life? There’s inspiring news when you visit cainer.com/dailymail


June 23 – July 23

The money in our bank accounts ebbs and flows. But knowledge accumulates and lasts forever. Yet we tend to underestimate its worth. We take it for granted. We forget how much effort it took to acquire. And to what degree our life experiences distinguish us from other people. Like everyone, your personality makes you distinct. But what makes you really special is all that you’ve learned. Your knowledge is priceless. Although your recent education has taken a lot out of you, you’re about to see why it’s invaluable.

The Full Moon brings powerful positive change! For great news about your future visit cainer.com/dmfree


July 24 – August 23

True wisdom is a collection of many different kinds of knowledge. The psychological equivalent of a Swiss Army knife, it arms us with the tools to cope with all sorts of eventualities and challenges. And when we combine its use with hope, our expertise is even more enhanced. This weekend’s combination of planetary energies brings you the insight to work out how to deal with an issue that’s been a long-running source of puzzlement. You can be hopeful and wise. Once it’s sorted, the sense of relief will be immense.

The Full Moon suggests good times are on the way. To find out more visit cainer.com/dm


August 24 – September 23

Who makes the rules we follow? And suppose they only managed to get themselves into such a powerful position by breaking the rules? Does that mean we’re still obligated to follow theirs? Aargh! Moral mazes and ethical conundrums! Without them, life would be much simpler (but more dull!). There are certain rules that must be adhered to this weekend. But others are more flexible than you think. Without transgressing any moral or ethical codes, if you push a boundary or two, you’ll save yourself a lot of time (and stress).

Discover why this Full Moon is so magical for you. Visit cainer.com/dailymail


September 24 – October 23

Why do tradespeople who mend shoes also cut keys? The link between the two skills isn’t immediately obvious. But it’s a brilliant example of outside-the-box thinking. With the arrival of synthetic fabrics, and mass-produced footwear, traditional cobblers found themselves with less work on their hands. And so they diversified. Be on the lookout for innovating ideas this weekend. Someone needs a service you can provide. Just because it involves applying a skill you have, to an unfamiliar situation, doesn’t mean you can’t be successful.

The Full Moon brings the key to the future you dream of. For info you need, visit cainer.com/dmfree


October 24 – November 22

With power planet Mars at the end of its stay in your sign, you’re still speeding along at a satisfying pace. But it’s as if your vehicle has no reverse gear. Going backwards is impossible. If you need to return to where you’ve been, you’ll need to find a huge field, and drive the car around it so it’s pointing in that direction. Which isn’t the same as reversing. You’d still be proceeding forwards. No matter what you do, this weekend, what’s important is the amount of commitment you’re willing to give to whatever you choose.

Maximise the Full Moon energy! For your latest forecasts visit cainer.com/dm

Although the Mercury/Venus/Uranus (pictured) link helps us to be smart about managing our resources, the best deals won’t be found in the sales. The weekend brings opportunities for exchanges of dialogue and the sharing of heartfelt desires – and that beats any cheap deals


November 23 – December 21

The weekend’s cosmic climate can supply you with energy. But it can’t motivate you into action. Enthusiasm is a quality you need to provide. Likewise with strategy. The skies are pointing you in the right direction. But you need to acquire the relevant information about the route so that you’re equipped to deal with its eventualities. You’ve got the ability to make a great deal of progress (with only a small amount of effort). Your task, is to find the resolve to want to expend your energy, and direct it in the most positive ways you can.

The Full Moon brings positive change! Find out more! Visit cainer.com/dmfree


December 22 – January 20

We elect politicians to get things right on our behalf. They know more than we do. And they have plenty of advisers to make sure of that. Only sometimes, if they haven’t got any new rules to make, they seem to take the old ones, and reinvent them! It gives the impression of change, while everything keeps rolling along in the same old ways. Avoid the urge to do that with your own set of rules this weekend. You can radically change a policy you’ve been following, and free yourself from a worn-out way of thinking and being.

The Full Moon can transform your world. For valuable keys to the week visit cainer.com/dailymail


January 21 – February 19

Joni Mitchell summed it up perfectly: ‘Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’. It’s often the case that we don’t appreciate people/things/situations while they’re part of our lives. Yet sometimes, a simple shift of focus, or a change of perspective, does the trick. Aquarians are famous for their innovative ways of dealing with challenges. You’re not afraid to question your old assumptions. If you do that this weekend, the resulting insight will work to your advantage, in a spectacular way.

Be ready for a special time! The Full Moon brings exciting opportunities. Visit cainer.com/dm


February 20 – March 20

How many reasons to be cheerful do you need? With the current cosmic climate providing the perfect conditions for much-needed change, no matter what’s bothering you, there’s an improvement on the way. This weekend, if there’s something you want to happen (or to stop happening) instead of just wishing for it to happen, start thinking that it can happen. Then, start taking steps towards making it happen. With so much power to influence things, in a positive way, you can create changes that give you more reasons to smile.

The Full Moon highlights dynamic changes. Your future has huge potential. Visit cainer.com/dmfree

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