Association of Colleges chief admits there’s a ‘snobbery’ towards BTec and apologises on ‘behalf of the education system’ to 1,500 students STILL waiting for results

  • Association of Colleges boss David Hughes, Loughborough, is ‘sorry’ for delay 
  • Says mistakes made this year were ‘probably inevitable’ because of new system
  • Comes after news some BTEec students are still waiting for their exam results 
  • Student Thaila Hazeldine, Hampshire, now uncertain about her university place 

The chief executive of the Association of Colleges has admitted there is a ‘snobbery’ around BTec qualifications, and apologised to students who are still missing their exam results.   

David Hughes, from Loughborough, appeared on This Morning today, where he lamented the ‘terrible situation’ some students have been left in, and confessed that a there is ‘definite snobbery we need to overcome’ about technical exams. 

This comes after news that some students are still waiting for their results from exams board Pearson, which were due last Thursday, and today David revealed 1,500 students are still waiting to know their grades. 

He was joined by Health and Social Care student Thaila Hazeldine, from East Hampshire, who is still waiting for her results, and is uncertain about her place at Brighton University studying nursing. 

Health and Social Care student Thaila Hazeldine, pictured, from East Hampshire, who is still waiting for her results, and is uncertain about her place at Brighton University

Chief executive of the Association of Colleges David Hughes,pictured, from Loughborough, has admitted there is a ‘snobbery’ around BTec qualifications on This Morning today

‘There is definitely a snobbery’, said David, ‘But let’s get this clear, there are something like 1,500 students, it’s 1,500 too many and for every individual, it’s a terrible situation. 

‘But in a big system there will always be mistakes made and we’re trying to work with exam boards to get those mistakes sorted.’ 

He later added: ‘There is a definite snobbery we need to overcome in this country and we need to say technical qualifications matter.’  

The chief executive went on to apologise to Thaila and other students still missing their results, insisting ‘his heart goes out to them’ and he acknowledges how ‘distressing’ it must be to not see the results of their hard work. 

David went on to apologise to Thaila and other students still missing their results, insisting ‘his heart goes out to them’

‘I should say to Thaila and all the students’, said David, ‘My heart goes out to you. It must be so distressing. 

‘You’ve worked for two years to get your results and suddenly everyone has got them and you haven’t, so on behalf of the education system I’m really sorry.’ 

Thaila is currently waiting to see if she receives her required grades to study nursing in Brighton, but her second choice university has already had all of it’s spaces taken up through clearing. 

She explained that she has been promised her results by September 7th, and will now be forced to take a gap year if she doesn’t get into her first choice university. 

Why have BTec results been delayed? 

BTec qualifications are specialist work-related qualifications. They combine practical learning with subject and theory content. 

They are taken instead of A-levels, over the course of two-years.

BTec students across the UK were set to get their exam results last Thursday. 

Many are still waiting on their results, and the delay affects qualifications taken through the exams board Pearson.

The exam board didn’t say when results will be available but is willing to speak to universities on behalf of students. 

Pearson has put the delay down to some colleges and schools submitting student information after their deadlines. 

A spokesperson for Pearson, the BTEC awarding body, said: ‘We are aware that some students are still waiting to receive their Level 3 BTEC results. We apologise for any stress and frustration this may have caused. 

‘We are working closely with the students and colleges involved to look into this urgently and provide any outstanding results as soon as we can.’ 

According to Association of Colleges chief David Hughes, 1,500 out of 280,000 taking the examinations are still waiting on their results.

David went on to insist to hosts Ruth Langsford and Eammon Holmes, both pictured, results should be out ‘very quickly’, but insisted that any student meeting their grade will get their place at University

‘I did a BTec because you do a lot more practical work’, said Thaila, ‘I work better doing practical work, so getting that hands-on experience was just so much more beneficial for me and my future.

‘They’re holding my place until the 7th of September, so hopefully, I get them before them.’  

David went on to insist results should be out ‘very quickly’, but insisted that any student meeting their grade will get their place at University. 

‘I think we can get those out very quickly, I was on the phone to Pearson today who say there are 1,500 students still waiting on their results. 

He reiterated that he’s ‘really confident’ universities and college offering hire education are doing ‘everything they can’ to hold places for students

‘There are something like 280,000 students taking BTecs, so it’s a small number but for the individuals, it’s their life.’  

‘[There are] Two issues, one is about access to higher education I’m confident any student meeting their grade will get their place.’ 

He reiterated that he’s ‘really confident’ universities and college offering hire education are doing ‘everything they can’ to hold places for students. 

David told: ‘Universities and college offering hire education will do everything they can to offer a place for students who have been messed around’. 

‘I’m really confident the university will hold that place, mistakes get made and this year mistakes were probably inevitable. 

‘It’s a new system and every effort is being made to get those results out and get people into the university of their choice.’ 

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