IT'S the party season and for most people, a large part of December is spent with a hangover.

Avoid those groggy mornings and sore heads by knowing the best hangover cures.

One in seven Brits have thrown a sickie because of a hangover, according to a recent poll, but it's not exactly a good idea to take a day off after a the weekend.

While we hate to break it to you, but hangovers really do get worse with age – and moaning about your sore head on Facebook could get you sacked.

If you want to reduce that banging headache and nauseous feeling the next day, these are the foods and drinks you should be consuming before, during and after your night out.

What should I eat before drinking alcohol?

Carb up

Lining your stomach isn't a myth. Tucking into a carb-laden or fat-heavy meal before you go out will slow down the rate of alcohol absorption, something you'll be grateful for in the morning.

It may sound a bit gross, but drinking a pint of milk or downing a shot of olive oil helps too.

Of course, the best way to avoid a hangover is to avoid drinking too many shots of the alcoholic kind – no matter how welcoming your friend's wallet waving seems at the time.

Pre-pear to be amazed

Research commissioned by the Australian government found those who drank 220ml of Asian pear juice before a night on the sauce were much less likely to have a bad hangover than those who didn't.

Drinking the fruit juice was found to boost people's levels of concentration the next day, as well as containing anti-inflammatory agents which reduce that throbbing headache.

Give your liver a helping hand

Foods such as broccoli, kale, lemon, turmeric and beetroot are all great for liver function. Try eating a roasted vegetable salad to pack in as many as possible.

What food should I AVOID before a night out?

Spicy food and salty snacks are always a no no, even though a curry and a beer is a match made in heaven.

Avoid sushi before a night out – raw fish does not go well with shots and soy sauce is packed with dehydrating salt.

Anything heavy in salt speeds up your dehydration levels, which can leave you with a nasty hangover in the morning.

What drink should I stick to?

If you want to avoid a hangover, it's obviously best to stick to water.

But if you don't want to turn completely teetotal, white spirits such as vodka contains less 'hangover causing' toxins – compared to dark liquors such as scotch and whiskey.

While some LA gym bunnies swear by pure tequila, made from 100 per cent agave, to avoid a hangover.

And now a Dutch brewer claims to have created a 'life-changing' beer, which won't give you a hangover – which Nick Pritchard put to the test for The Sun.

Whatever you do, just don't mix your drinks – this will always make you feel worse the next day, and could affect your mood during the evening.

Fake it to make it

If you don't fancy drinking, or want to avoid revealing all about your recently-discovered pregnancy, stick to soda and lime to avoid any stigma about not boozy.

It looks just like a gin & tonic, so no one will be able to judge.

Should I eat anything when I'm out?

Yes, food absorbs alcohol and will reduce its negative effects.

Whatever you do, don't skip dinner in favour of after-work drinks down the pub.

What should I eat, drink and do the next day?

  • Water, water, water: Leave a bottle of water by your bed, to remind yourself to rehydrate when you get in, then keep sipping throughout the next day. Isotonic drinks can help you re-hydrate quicker, while water will flush toxins out of your body.
  • Cooked breakfast: In a study of 2,000 Brits, a fry up helped 38% of people recover in three hours, while painkillers did the same for just 19% of people.
  • Painkillers: Anti-inflammatory painkillers such as Ibuprofen are your friend. Just don't take them on an empty stomach.
  • Herbal tea: These drinks contain plenty of hot water, no dehydrating caffeine, and can help revive your body and mind. Ginger tea helps with nausea, milk thistle tea cleanses the liver, and hot water with honey and lemon boosts blood sugar.
  • Marmite: If you just can't stomach a fry up, try for some Marmite on toast instead.

Hit the sheets

The night of a heavy session may seem like the deepest sleep of your life, but it's not restful kip – meaning you will still feel lethargic the next day.

When you wake up, drink lots of water and have a snack – before heading back to bed for a nap and some proper sleep.


Work it out

This is not just about the questionable practice of 'sweating out' the excess alcohol.

Exercise will help boost endorphins, just make sure you drink lots of water to avoid getting more dehydrated.

Fitness expert James Crossley recommends short, sharp, high-intensity interval training – which is an efficient fat burner, and easy to fit in before or after work.

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