MEGHAN Markle’s former personal trainer said she loved learning martial arts, and she chatted to him in Spanish. 

Jorge Blanco, originally from Spain, trained Meghan in Toronto in martial arts, kickboxing and boxing when she was starring in hit legal drama Suits.

Jorge spoke to Spanish Vanity Fair and said the Duchess of Sussex, 38, was very “sympathetic” back in their training days. 

He said: “I had a great time training with her because she is super sympathetic and also speaks Spanish with an Argentine accent.”

The Argentine accent may have been picked up by Meghan when she worked as a junior press officer at the age of 20 at the American embassy in Argentina. 

She held the role when she was studying for her degree in International Relations. 

Jorge, who is also a trained lawyer, said that he would be happy to train Meghan again, and even said husband Prince Harry, 35, can join her. 

The personal trainer is known as “Spaniard” to his clients, who include the likes of Chirs Hemsworth, Elsa Pataky, Drake and Robert Pattinson.

Jorge said he spends half the month travelling around the globe to train his famous clients. 


According to, this is her typical day in meals:

  • Wake up: Hot water with lemon
  • Breakfast: Steel-cut oats with bananas and agave syrup drizzled on it
  • Lunch: Salad with protein of some kind
  • Snack: Apples with almond butter and sea salt
  • Late Afternoon Pick-Me-Up: Green juice
  • Dinner: Pasta with zucchini, lots of Parmesan and a glass of wine

Meghan has previously spoken of her love of sports, with her favourite including pilates, yoga and jogging. 

Fitness expert Sebastien Lagree previously said that Meghan works out at Studio Lagree in London and Power Pilates in LA.

Meanwhile, trainer Craig McNamee, who also worked with Meghan in Toronto, said the star would do 45 minute sessions three to four times a week. 

Their sessions would include a cardio warm-up, stretching and then circuits focused on her posture as she was “on-screen”.

She is a yoga fanatic (often doing candlelit classes) which is not surprising given her mum is an instructor.

The Suits actress said: "I love an intense vinyasa class – and even better if it’s blasting hip hop and done in a dark room with candlelight.

"The best! I’ll do yoga a couple of times a week – hot yoga specifically.”

And previously she has attributed her lean body to her Pilates classes with personal trainer Heather Dorak.

Nobody rocks a pair of denim cut-offs like Meghan, and her slender pins are probably because one of her favourite exercises is a six-mile run.

She said: “Running has always been my form of moving meditation, which I relish because it allows me to get out of my head."

We shared how Meghan Markle kept a DIARY of her time in Britain that could pave way for bombshell memoir, friend claims.

We also revealed how Prince Harry gave a nod to Meghan as he praised young Brits for ‘surviving & thriving’ during pandemic in LA video.

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