THERE'S no denying just how hard the dating game can be, but your relationship landing in limbo is possibly the trickiest path to navigate.

You know the phase between having just met before you become "official," when one person gernerally asks, "so what are we?"

There's a new term for this, apparently, and it's being referred to as "icing" – but it's leaving singletons more confused than ever.

It's actually pretty common but brutal nonetheless as it could lead to you being ghosted, completely.

The term refers to someone putting a romantic possiblity "on ice" and while they are showing interest, they're not commiting fully.


The lack of clarity could cause distress for the perosn being "put on ice" as there's no way on knowing exactly where the relationship is going.

Explaining the dating term in detail, a person named Alex told Tyla: "They don't close you off altogether, but merely 'put you on ice' with intermittent contact which is so non-specific it keeps the whole relationship non-committal.

"As the recipient, you don't know where you stand in this relationship, with no plans, or if you do have plans they cancel them at the last minute, which can be emotionally demoralising."

Sounds brutal, right? We agree, but it gets worse.

Sometimes the state of limbo can turn into something great, a blossoming romance that goes the distance.

But if you're not careful, you could end up being ghosted entirely and be forced to nurse a broken heart.

In more relationship news, this woman's boyfriend ghosted her after three years, he just took his stuff and went… so she took some steps to get her own back.

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