IT is November – and with that comes a huge sigh of relief that October is over.

As much as I love all the Breast Cancer Awareness Month madness, I’m glad we can breathe again, take stock of all the incredible impact then keep going as usual.

Because breast cancer doesn’t stop when October does. Weird that, eh? We’re here all year round spreading the boob love, which means you, too, need to keep checking yourself.

This October really was a special one because my nephew finally entered the world last Wednesday.

Shrimpy, as he has been called for nine months, took a little while to arrive. My twin sister, Maren, was nine days overdue. I was there for the whole thing and can confirm that childbirth is no picnic. Wowsers!

I thought cancer was gnarly – but giving birth is something else. I wasn’t entirely sure I could handle the whole thing. I’ve always said I’m better at being the patient than the carer/observer.

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