Back in 2017, Pretty Little Liars ended and left a lot of fans upset about the reveal of Uber A – aka Alex Drake, Spencer Hastings’ identical, evil twin.

Now, Troian Bellisario is opening up about the ending and understands why it left fans upset and unsatisfied.

“It’s so funny because I knew about it so many years in advance that that’s always where it was going, but I understand that a lot of people felt very sideswiped by it,” Troian shared with Variety. “I wish we could have actually brought it in more. But we didn’t want any spoilers, and we didn’t want people to catch on. I do wish we cold have laid the groundwork a little bit more.”

She adds that she’s also gotten hooked to certain shows and says she’s been upset at certain endings.

“I’ve watched certain shows and when they’ve ended, I’ve been like, ‘F that ending! How could they do this?!’ So I guess I could understand. But at the time, I was like, ‘Guys, it ended how it ended. You got seven years of Pretty Little Liars. Deal with it. If you didn’t like it, you didn’t like it, so I’m sorry.’”

But, “when you’re really attached to characters, I think the whole point is just that you don’t want it to end — there is no ending in the world that would have satisfied the Pretty Little Liars fans. It would have been like the third Lord of the Rings,” Troian added.

“So, understanding that there’s no satisfaction you could have possibly gotten, then it’s like, ‘You take what you get. Sorry!’”

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