In an interview with Billboard, Lizzo revealed that a disappointing voice mail from her boyfriend inspired her to turn heartbreak and tears into chart-topping hit song, “Truth Hurts”.

The message that the rapper and actress received was not to call him anymore because he was reuniting with his ex-girlfriend.

Lizzo went to the studio and explained to producer Ricky Reed what had happened. Reed took it down and told Lizzo, “I hope you know you just wrote a song.”

Speaking about how the title “Truth Hurts” evolved, the singer said, “I was listening through it, I was like ‘Truth hurts, boy. Truth hurts.’ Reed instantly knew that had to be the song’s title”.

“I don’t know what type of magical honey was in my throat when I woke up that morning, but shit every mother f–king thing I said was the goddamn song,” Lizzo added.

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