Jason Momoa, light of our life, has apologised to Chris Pratt after he shamed the Avengers star for toting a single-use plastic bottle in a photo.

As you may well know, Game Of Thrones star Jason is very passionate about the environment and campaigning and activism and using his voice and we’re all very chuffed with that. Yesterday, however, he channelled that activism online as he commented on a shot of Chris.

Looking all buff in the gym, the Guardians Of The Galaxy actor was holding a water bottle, not a cooler or canteen, but a single-use plastic bottle that is going to take about a bajillion years to break down.

Of course Jason – who is the United Nations Advocate For Oceans – wanted to point this out and let Chris know he wasn’t impressed.

Now he’s felt the need to shout out to Chris again, feeling the heat his shaming comment may have brought on from followers.

‘BRO you know my children and I are madly in love with you and I love everything you do,’ he wrote on Instagram, alongside an image of the two actors and Jason’s kids.

‘I’m sorry this was received so badly today I didn’t mean for that to happen. I’m just very passionate about this single use plastic epidemic.

‘The plastic water bottles have to stop I hope u make a reusable water bottle for amazon so we all can purchase. You’re an inspiration to many I’m one of them. I’ll send you a case of MANANALU. All my Aloha, Da Momoa’s [ sic].’

How can you possibly be mad at Jason for that?!

Seems some were, after Chris posted the shot in conjunction with an Amazon campaign he’d been working on (hence Jason’s reference to Amazon).

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The Khal Drogo actor wrote: ‘Bro i love u but wtf on the water bottle. no single use plastic. come on [sic].’

Fans evidently took the mention very seriously as they clapped back and chimed in with their own two pence in the comments.

‘I mean, what if he refills that bottle over and over or recycles it? …. Are water bottles the most interesting thing in your daily life?’ one wrote, as another added: ‘Wonder how many air miles you clock up a year. The environment needs help in all areas in addition to plastic.’

Hey, lads, we all have to do our part and good for Jason for sticking up for what he believes in – we’re sure Star-Lord is all about it.

Even though he’s yet to respond (publicly)…

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