Republican senator Lindsey Graham drew ire from the left after making two on-air appeals for campaign donations during an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham. As Newsweek reports, Graham faces an uphill battle against popular Democrat challenger Jaime Harrison. As Graham explained to Ingraham, “My opponent has raised more money than anybody in the entire history of the United States Senate because I’ve been with Kavanaugh, Barrett and I’m helping Trump.”
Graham made a plea for donations during the initial chat and then again as the interview was ending. In fact, the show moved on just as Graham was name-checking his website. Harrison raised a record $57 million, leading to accusations from Graham’s camp of trying to buy the election from out of state donations. Harrison has accused Graham of the same via a SuperPAC. CNN actually made a super-cut of all the times Graham has demanded donations while appearing on Fox News (via Twitter). Considering how personally well off the senator is, it’s a wonder he has to beg for money in the first place.
Lindsey Graham is comfortably wealthy
As Celebrity Net Worth advises, Graham, who previously served as the Republican representative for South Carolina’s third congressional district, has had quite the career. He earned a degree in psychology and law from the University of South Carolina, joined the Air Force in 1982, and subsequently worked as an officer, judge, and military prosecutor. Graham was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1992, ultimately serving for just one term during which he was part of several committees including International Relations, Education and the Workforce, and Armed Services. Notably, in 1998, Graham became a member of the Judiciary Committee during the impeachment of Bill Clinton.
The conservative politician holds several controversial views. He opposes same sex marriage and voted against President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. As Rolling Stone notes, he’s become an even more polarizing figure as a key member of the Trump administration and is known around the White House as a salesman capable of selling the president on anything. Graham’s political and career choices have clearly worked to his advantage, as Celebrity Net Worth confirms his tax returns from 2008 to 2019 showed earnings of $2.1 million. His net worth to date is $3 million.
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