Halsey explained the inspiration behind her latest song “Nightmare” in an interview with “Elvis Duran and the Z100 Morning Show” in New York on Thursday.

“One of the things that a lot of myself, and a lot of my young female fans of mine have, is the experience of when someone is telling you to smile,” said the singer and songwriter. I “f you don’t, then the narrative about you becomes, ‘Oh that girls such a nightmare. She’s so difficult, she’s such a nightmare,'”

“I used to not like that…Not anymore, I’d rather be a nightmare than a bunch of jerks get away with forcing me into some kind of complacency, or some kind of convenience or positivity because they want to see it,” she told Duran.

“Nightmare,” which is Halsey’s first solo track since “Without Me,” serves as an empowering anthem.

(Photo: EMI Music)

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