THE Cabinet must revolt next week over Theresa May’s outrageous plan to buy ­herself a “legacy” with £27billion of public money. It is wrong and unworthy of her.

Some of her closest allies will not survive her departure. That is no reason now to help her force through a reckless spending spree which will hobble her successor post-Brexit.

The Treasury has built up that “war chest” to handle the uncertainties of our future as a newly independent nation.

It is not there to be plundered to make up for Mrs May’s failures since 2016.

Chancellor Philip Hammond is fighting to stop it.

All his colleagues, but especially those with good prospects under a new leader, must back him.

The Tories have a glimmer of a brighter future after three dismal years.

It will be a disgrace if outgoing ministers sabotage it trying to rewrite the past.

Brass neck

TORY minister Mark Field has rightly been suspended and apologised over his manhandling of a female eco protester.

His force was excessive, even allowing for how little time he had to think as she strode towards the Chancellor’s table.

But he cannot face criticism alone.

The security was woeful. How could so many protesters stroll in, scream slogans and refuse to leave? No one was armed, but how could anyone be sure of that?

And why are authorities letting climate protesters believe they have a divine right to trespass? Or block major roads? Or wreck family holidays?

They now think that their hysterical claim to be “saving our planet from burning” trumps anyone else’s rights — a conviction fuelled by police feebly ­letting them paralyse London in April.

Yet we are the first country to commit to net-zero emissions by 2050. This year, the first time since the Industrial Revolution, more UK power will be produced from zero-carbon sources than fossil fuels.

It’s time the sanctimonious outrage was directed somewhere it’s actually justified.

Labour bigots

THE latest drama surrounding Boris Johnson is troubling but madness has set in on the Left in its ­desperation to trash him.

Every utterance over 30 years is being forensically examined for offences against “social justice” snowflakery.

One half-witted Corbynite caricature, Laura ­Pidcock — an MP so keen to heal division that she boasts of “viscerally” detesting all Tories — reckons Boris is “fuelled by homophobia and racism”.

Which will be news to cosmopolitan, liberal-left London which twice elected him Mayor.

But consider the stomach-churning hypocrisy of Labour’s hard left accusing a social liberal like Boris of being motivated by bigotry . . .

When their own repugnant and blatant loathing of Jews has an entire community living in fear of a Corbyn Government.

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