The new Fenton! Moment tiny dog chases after herd of cows leaving its owner horrified in scenes reminiscent of famous Richmond Park chaos eight years ago

  • Tucker the dog, eight, ran into the field and started chasing after herd of cows 
  • His owner desperately tried to get him to come back, shouting after him in alarm 
  • The video is similar to the famous 2011 clip of Fenton the dog chasing after deer 

This is the hilarious moment a dog-owner chased after her pet when he started running at a herd of cows.

The footage has been compared to the famous dog Fenton, who in November 2011 became an internet sensation after he chased a herd of deer in Richmond Park while being followed by his horrified owner. 

In the new video, Tucker the dog, aged eight, chases after some cows in Northern Ireland near a neighborhood farm. 

As owner Addie stopped to admire the cows, Tucker darted through a hole in a wall. 

She screams ‘Tucker no’ as she runs after her pet, evoking memories of Fenton’s owner screaming ‘Jesus Christ Fenton’ as he ran after him. 

This time, the cows turned around and ran after Tucker, to his owner’s horror. 

The cows look to have chased the dog off before Tucker turns and sends them fleeing again. 

The herd of cows flee in fear as Tucker, eight, sprints after them at a field in Northern Ireland

Addie’s other dog Ruby, five, initially ignores the temptation to join Tucker, listening to her owner and staying put. 

However, as Addie tries to get Tucker to come back, Ruby runs through the hole too and chases the cows.  

Addie said: ‘The panic was real! 

‘They usually leave the livestock next door alone but because I’d acknowledged them, I think it was game on.

‘We managed to get the dogs out and fill up the hole in the wall and the dogs and the cows are all okay!’ 

The dog showed no fear as he sprinted after the cows, to the horror of his owner who tried to encourage him to come back

Hilariously, the cows turned back at one point and grouped up to chase the dog, before he sprinted after them again

The famous footage of Fenton the dog has been viewed million of times since it was published. 

In the 47-second clip, the runaway dog chases after the herd of deer in Richmond Park, London, completely ignoring the increasingly desperate shouts of his owner.

His owner’s furious attempts to stop Fenton are in vain as the frightened deer stampede across a road, forcing cars to stop and leaving the exasperated swearing in despair.

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