Scotland Yard VIP abuse probe chief Steve Rodhouse FINALLY loses his top job… but he’s still working at the crime agency in the ‘back office’

  • Head of Scotland Yard VIP abuse inquiry Steve Rodhouse removed from NCA
  • The ex-Met deputy assistant commissioner to face gross misconduct charge

The blundering head of Scotland Yard’s disastrous VIP abuse inquiry has been removed from the National Crime Agency to ‘protect public confidence’.

The organisation last night confirmed that Steve Rodhouse had been switched to a back office role pending the outcome of disciplinary proceedings against him over Operation Midland.

The humiliating move comes after the Mail revealed last week that the former Met deputy assistant commissioner is to face a gross misconduct charge following a major investigation by this newspaper last year.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct ruled that the £200,000-a-year operations chief at the NCA has a ‘case to answer’ over allegations he lied in public at the conclusion of Midland.

The dramatic development, following the Mail’s eight-year campaign for justice and accountability, marked yet another low point at the scandal-ridden Met.

Forced out: Steve Rodhouse, the head of Scotland Yard’s disastrous VIP abuse inquiry

An NCA spokesman said: ‘Following its investigation into a complaint linked to the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Midland, the Independent Office for Police Conduct determined that Steve Rodhouse, now director general operations in the NCA, has a case to answer for gross misconduct

‘The IOPC is currently engaged in consultation with concerned parties regarding a potential disciplinary hearing that may follow.

‘Having fully considered the IOPC decision, the agency has decided that, in order to protect public confidence in the NCA, Steve Rodhouse will move from the role of director general operations.

‘He will undertake other projects in the agency whilst work continues in relation to the IOPC proceedings. This position will be reviewed when we receive a final determination on this matter. Rob Jones has been appointed temporary director general operations. He will lead our operational and investigative work with immediate effect.

‘We will continue to engage fully with the IOPC and their ongoing work. The NCA’s mission is to protect the public from serious and organised crime. It is important that we deliver this with public confidence and support.’

The failure last week to suspend Mr Rodhouse prompted fury.

Former Tory MP Harvey Proctor, who was falsely accused of child murder and sex abuse by serial liar Carl ‘Nick’ Beech – the fantasist whose wild claims prompted Midland – accused the police establishment of ‘protecting’ Mr Rodhouse.

The head of Scotland Yard’s catastrophic VIP sex abuse investigation is to face gross misconduct proceedings

Former Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse should face a disciplinary board over allegations he lied in public at the conclusion of Operation Midland, the police watchdog has ruled

He added last night that ‘under no circumstances’ should he be allowed to escape a disciplinary hearing held in public. The decision to charge Mr Rodhouse with gross misconduct comes six months after he was served with a formal notice alleging he used ‘inaccurate or dishonest’ words at the end of Midland.

He also led shambolic probes into true complaints of sexual abuse made against Jimmy Savile while the paedophile DJ was alive.

Mr Rodhouse is the first officer to face disciplinary proceedings over Midland, widely considered to be the worst Scotland Yard investigation in modern times. He was cleared of misconduct in 2017 but the police watchdog launched a new probe into him following a two-part Mail investigation last year.

In another victory for this newspaper, two fantasists exposed in our bombshell two-part probe have been referred to West Midlands Police over claims they perverted the course of justice.

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