A NIGHTCLUB owner has shrugged off a teen's serious complaint about drink spiking, saying the victim is an unlikely target as she's a “plain-Jane type of girl”.

The offensive remark was made in Perth, Australia, after Shantel Smith, 19, claimed she regained consciousness on a loo, surrounded by vomit and “foaming at the mouth”.

Neil Scott, 66, told the West Australian: “She’s not a particularly attractive girl. It’s just implausible to imagine that she had her drink spiked; it just doesn’t sort of add up.

“She’s just a very plain-Jane type of girl. I can’t understand why anybody would be possessed by her."

In messages he added: What proof do you have of your drink being spiked?”, “Why would anyone want to spike your drink?”, “Would you like a crowd controller to hold you drink for you next time you attend a nightclub?” and “Are you worth someone trying to spike your drink?”

He went on to say no one would “be stupid enough to waste their drugs” spiking someone’s drink.

Shantel messaged Rapture Nightclub to say her drink had been laced with a "date rape drug".

But, after receiving a dismissive reply, the teen shared the response on social media – which ended up going viral.

Telling Nine News about her frightening experience, where she woke up in a "toilet stall", and "foaming at the mouth", she added: "I just couldn't believe I was being blamed for something that happened to me without my knowledge."

The nightclub owner rejected her allegation, and posted CCTV footage of her outside the venue on Facebook, reports news.com.au.

Mocking Shantel, he rudely asked: "Let's face it, why would somebody spike her drink?

"Why would they do that? What are they hoping to get? What is she hoping to get from it?

I don't know if she thinks she's special enough to be spiked, I don't know if that's how it works.

In a further attack on her, he also commented under the surveillance footage: "The large girl with the white top, the short black skirt and the black and white shoes is Shantel Smith, the girl who claimed to have had her drink spiked.

"She can be seen entering Rapture Nightclub at 10.58pm and leaving at 2.53am. Note none of her friends seems perturbed at all.

"She seems in good spirits and did not leave the club once in the 2 hours 55 minutes of attendance.

"Nor did she seek help or assistance from any of the 14 staff on duty."

However Shantel is adamant her drink was spiked while at the club and after Scott released the footage hundreds have called for a boycott of the nightspot.

She explained on Facebook: "I only had 2 or 3 drinks before I cam in, so I definitely wasn't drunk, bought 1 drink from the bar and was then unconscious for the next 2.5 hours, vomiting and experiencing other common symptoms of a date rape drug."

As there was just one bouncer on the door that night, Shantel has told Neil he should employ more security guards as she alleged that she has since heard of "two other people" who have spoken of similar attacks.

She added: "Luckily I have good friends who were looking after me but not everyone can be that lucky."

Police have confirmed they are investigating the teen's allegation.

A version of this article first appeared on News.com.au.

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